November 3, 2006 - Jeremiah 30-31 and Philemon

The theme of both of these passages is relationship. God longs for us to have an intimate love relationship with Him and with other believers. Anyone who reads the Bible closely has to come to this conclusion.

Jeremiah 30 reveals that God would restore Israel to the land after the exile. The purpose of the exile was not to destroy them, but to correct them. (v.11b) It was a merciful correction even then. God was restoring the relationship, so that He was their God, and they were His people. (v.22)

In Jeremiah 31 we are told even more about this relationship. God loved them with an everlasting love, and He drew them back with His covenant love. He would make them a well watered garden again. (v.12b) However, the greatest promise He gave them was the promise of a new covenant. (v.31) How was it going to be different? In the new covenant they would "know" Him in their minds and hearts. It would not be a distant relationship, but a close relationship. This is the covenant we live under today. When a person comes to the Lord, the Spirit comes to live in him, and there is a relationship that is established that is real and personal. Once, we have the Spirit we can have a close relationship with others who have the same Spirit, also. That is God's desire for us to live in relationship being lived out in every day life.

Philemon is an example of this truth. Paul had led Philemon to the Lord, so they were close brothers in the Lord. Then, Paul led his runaway slave, Onesimus, to the Lord, while he was in prison. Now, Paul is sending Onesimus home with this letter, asking for Philemon to treat Onesimus well, because now he is a fellow Christian. Philemon's relationship with God and with Paul would lead Him to do that, because he understood God's desire for relationship. What about you? Do you see God reaching out to you for a close love relationship with Him? Do you see that He wants you to have a close love relationship with other believers? That is His plan, and it would help all of us so much if we would live by His plan.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 32-33 and Hebrews 1.

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