September 30, 2006 - Isaiah 9-10 and Ephesians 3
In Isaiah 9 and 10 we read about a time when God's people did not realize what was going on around them, because they were not hearing from God. They were not listening. Isaiah was one of the few who was listening to the Lord, so God showed him some special revelations. Isaiah 9:1-7 is a prophecy about Jesus coming in the future to show God's people the way out of their darkness. In the midst of a bad time, God was giving them hope, if they would just listen to Isaiah. However, they did not listen and repent, so He continued to punish them, so they would turn to Him. The picture is of God pouring out His anger against their sin, but His hand is stretched out to them at the same time. He would forgive them, if they would repent. Isaiah 10: 20 finally tells us that God would save the remnant of His people. This would come after Israel was taken into Exile and after Assyria was punished, too. Then, God would take off their yoke of bondage. (v.27) God knew the day that would be, because He had determined an end to their punishment, but they did not know. (v.23) It only happened after they turned to Him. What about you? Are you listening? Is God telling you to repent? If so, you might as well repent now and not prolong your agony. He knows your heart, so you can't fool Him.
Then, in Ephesians 3 Paul speaks of a mystery. That word means something that was hidden, but now God had revealed it to His people. He revealed through Paul that the Gentiles would be saved and be in one body with the Jews as God's people. What a change! Paul was the one who received this revelation, because He was following God and listening to Him. What do you need to know today? Look to Him with all of your heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 11-13 and Ephesians 4.
Then, in Ephesians 3 Paul speaks of a mystery. That word means something that was hidden, but now God had revealed it to His people. He revealed through Paul that the Gentiles would be saved and be in one body with the Jews as God's people. What a change! Paul was the one who received this revelation, because He was following God and listening to Him. What do you need to know today? Look to Him with all of your heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 11-13 and Ephesians 4.