October 6, 2006 - Isaiah 26-27 and Philippians 2
God is there for us in the trials of life. He is with us to give us peace in the midst of storms. He is our source of strength and security. That is the message of these two passages. We all need to know this truth and to experience it every day.
Isaiah 26-27 is still teaching us about the Tribulation time, when God will punish the people of the earth for their sin. (26:21) During this desperate time of strife on the earth, God will gather the Jews back to Israel and protect them from their enemies as they turn to Christ as Lord and Savior. (26:20;27:6) He will not only hide them from their enemies, but He will give them "perfect peace." (26:3) He will abundantly bless them as they seek Him in the midst of the tribulation around them. (26:8,9) I am convinced that God will do the same thing for His people today, because He has done this for me. He wants to give all of us perfect peace as our minds are stayed on Him. He wants us to experience His everlasting strength. (26:4)
Philippians 2 puts this truth in a New Testament perspective for us. Christ lives in us. We have the Spirit of God in us. Now, there are the resulting changes in our lives. We are to live with the mind of Christ. (v.2) We are to live as light bearers to a dark world. (v.15) How can we do that? It is Christ working in us for His good pleasure. (v.13) We must cooperate with Him by seeking to work out our salvation daily. (v.12) We must allow the peace of Christ, which allowed Him to endure the cross to flow through us each day as we interact with others. (v.14) We must show that Christians have the peace of God in our lives, so that others will desire to know Him, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 28-29 and Philippians 3.
Isaiah 26-27 is still teaching us about the Tribulation time, when God will punish the people of the earth for their sin. (26:21) During this desperate time of strife on the earth, God will gather the Jews back to Israel and protect them from their enemies as they turn to Christ as Lord and Savior. (26:20;27:6) He will not only hide them from their enemies, but He will give them "perfect peace." (26:3) He will abundantly bless them as they seek Him in the midst of the tribulation around them. (26:8,9) I am convinced that God will do the same thing for His people today, because He has done this for me. He wants to give all of us perfect peace as our minds are stayed on Him. He wants us to experience His everlasting strength. (26:4)
Philippians 2 puts this truth in a New Testament perspective for us. Christ lives in us. We have the Spirit of God in us. Now, there are the resulting changes in our lives. We are to live with the mind of Christ. (v.2) We are to live as light bearers to a dark world. (v.15) How can we do that? It is Christ working in us for His good pleasure. (v.13) We must cooperate with Him by seeking to work out our salvation daily. (v.12) We must allow the peace of Christ, which allowed Him to endure the cross to flow through us each day as we interact with others. (v.14) We must show that Christians have the peace of God in our lives, so that others will desire to know Him, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 28-29 and Philippians 3.