October 24, 2006 - Jeremiah 3-5 and I Timothy 4
In these three chapters of Jeremiah there is another word picture to describe the condition of God's people. God saw that the people were "backsliding." There had been a time, when they were close to the Lord, but they were sliding away from Him, because of their sin. It is a tragic condition. Can you picture it in your mind? God has His hands stretched out to them, but instead of coming toward God, the people are sliding backward. This backward slide is taking them into a dark pit of punishment. The only way to prevent this pain and suffering is a true heart change, but even as God keeps crying out to them, they refuse to turn. There is no change. Is that a description of your life? Has there been a time when you were closer to the Lord? Are you sliding away, because your sins are separating you from God more and more? If that is the case, repent and give yourself to Him fully, before it is too late. There is a point at which God determines the punishment, and He will not relent.
I Timothy 4 foretells a time of backsliding before the second coming of Christ. It will be a time when believers take up strange doctrines and practices. Could this be that time? It could be. That is why Paul told Timothy to focus on godliness and correct doctrine. He was to be an example to everyone. That is the solution now, too. We must make godliness a priority. We must show everyone our progress in getting closer to God, instead of backsliding. (v.15)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 6-8 and I Timothy 5.
I Timothy 4 foretells a time of backsliding before the second coming of Christ. It will be a time when believers take up strange doctrines and practices. Could this be that time? It could be. That is why Paul told Timothy to focus on godliness and correct doctrine. He was to be an example to everyone. That is the solution now, too. We must make godliness a priority. We must show everyone our progress in getting closer to God, instead of backsliding. (v.15)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 6-8 and I Timothy 5.