September 26, 2006 - Isaiah 1-2 and Galatians 5
God used the prophet, Isaiah, to speak to the people of Judah for many years before the destruction of Jerusalem and their exile to Babylon. There is so much for us to learn from this book about how God relates with His people as a body and as individuals. I pray that we will allow God to speak to us through this great prophetic book.
Isaiah 1-2 contains a scathing indictment of God's people. They had forsaken Him to follow other gods. Now, He was calling them back through His prophet, Isaiah, but they were not listening. They were His children, but they would not consider what He was saying to them. (1:3) This is a heart breaking situation for any parent, and God is no different. He sees their sin, and He sees their meaningless worship. He tells them to cease their vain worship and to repent of their sins. (1:16-17) Then, they could be restored. (1:18) However, He knows it will take His purging fire to truly purify His people. (1:25) Then, in chapter 2 God gives Isaiah an understanding of the Millennial Kingdom, when Christ will reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. What a contrast to Isaiah's day, but what a message of hope. He was showing them that there would be a time of righteousness and peace in the Promised Land, when His people and all the people of the earth will worship Him. However, before that day can come there must be a great time of shaking. (2:12-19) God will have to shake some sense into His people for them to repent and to turn to Him.
I get the feeling that Paul would have liked to have shaken the Galatian believers, too. He can't believe they want to forsake salvation by grace and return to keeping the law. He tells them that salvation is not by works, but by faith working through love. (v.6) What a wonderful description of our relationship with Christ. Then, he urges them to quit fighting each other, and to live in the power of the Spirit. It is the only way to overcome the desires of the flesh. (v.16) Without the Holy Spirit a person is destined to live in the works of the flesh and then die and go to hell. (v.19-21) It is only when we turn to the Lord in faith that he saves us and gives us His Spirit. Then, we can have the fruit of the Spirit, and not fulfill the flesh. (v.22-24) It is clear that God not only saves us by the power of His Spirit, but He empowers us to live by the Spirit, when we are yielded to Him. (v.25)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 3-4 and Galatians 6.
Isaiah 1-2 contains a scathing indictment of God's people. They had forsaken Him to follow other gods. Now, He was calling them back through His prophet, Isaiah, but they were not listening. They were His children, but they would not consider what He was saying to them. (1:3) This is a heart breaking situation for any parent, and God is no different. He sees their sin, and He sees their meaningless worship. He tells them to cease their vain worship and to repent of their sins. (1:16-17) Then, they could be restored. (1:18) However, He knows it will take His purging fire to truly purify His people. (1:25) Then, in chapter 2 God gives Isaiah an understanding of the Millennial Kingdom, when Christ will reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. What a contrast to Isaiah's day, but what a message of hope. He was showing them that there would be a time of righteousness and peace in the Promised Land, when His people and all the people of the earth will worship Him. However, before that day can come there must be a great time of shaking. (2:12-19) God will have to shake some sense into His people for them to repent and to turn to Him.
I get the feeling that Paul would have liked to have shaken the Galatian believers, too. He can't believe they want to forsake salvation by grace and return to keeping the law. He tells them that salvation is not by works, but by faith working through love. (v.6) What a wonderful description of our relationship with Christ. Then, he urges them to quit fighting each other, and to live in the power of the Spirit. It is the only way to overcome the desires of the flesh. (v.16) Without the Holy Spirit a person is destined to live in the works of the flesh and then die and go to hell. (v.19-21) It is only when we turn to the Lord in faith that he saves us and gives us His Spirit. Then, we can have the fruit of the Spirit, and not fulfill the flesh. (v.22-24) It is clear that God not only saves us by the power of His Spirit, but He empowers us to live by the Spirit, when we are yielded to Him. (v.25)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 3-4 and Galatians 6.