July 5, 2006 - Job 30-31 and Acts 13:26-52
Some days we live in the dark, and some we live in the light. The dark days are when we can't really see exactly what God is doing. The light days are when we are following God's revelation of Himself and His will, because He has shown us clearly what He is doing. Whether we are having a dark day or a light day, we can live in the joy of the Lord knowing that He loves us, and He is in control of all that is going on. I pray that you will bask in His joy today.
Job was in the very dark days of his trial, as we read his words in chapters 30 and 31. It hurt him to be treated with disdain by unrighteous people. God's affliction was hard, and all of his energy was gone. (30:11) He was still having trouble sleeping at night, which is a part of depression. (30:17) He was crying out to the Lord, but he was not receiving an answer yet. (30:20) He was still confused about why this was happening. (30:26) His physical condition continued to worsen, too. (30:30) We can all see why he was depressed, but we have the knowledge of why it was happening, and he did not. He cried out to God, if just had a book, so he could read the judgments of his Prosecutor. (31:35) Isn't that profound? Did you read all of Job's righteous acts and attitudes in chapter 31? He did all of those things without having the Bible to guide him. He went by his heart relationship with God. It did make his darkness worse that he did not have the Bible to guide him. We have God's Word, and many times we do not let it give us light for our way like we should. However, in all of this Job was in God's hands, and he knew that. He knew he could trust God, even though his pain was terrible. (30:19-21) I hope you know that you can trust God even when you are in the dark days of your life.
In Acts 13 Barnabas and Paul were living in the light of just having been called to go as missionaries. They went in God's power, and they proclaimed His message. There was opposition, but they knew they were doing God's will, so they continued in boldness. They proclaimed the death and resurrection of Jesus. People begged to hear their message. (v.42) What a wonderful time! They were walking in the light and God was blessing. That is a great deal different from the dark times, but it still requires following the Lord and His Word each day, or darkness could come quickly to any life. I pray that all of us will live in the light of God's Word and His will for us today.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 32-33 and Acts 14.
Job was in the very dark days of his trial, as we read his words in chapters 30 and 31. It hurt him to be treated with disdain by unrighteous people. God's affliction was hard, and all of his energy was gone. (30:11) He was still having trouble sleeping at night, which is a part of depression. (30:17) He was crying out to the Lord, but he was not receiving an answer yet. (30:20) He was still confused about why this was happening. (30:26) His physical condition continued to worsen, too. (30:30) We can all see why he was depressed, but we have the knowledge of why it was happening, and he did not. He cried out to God, if just had a book, so he could read the judgments of his Prosecutor. (31:35) Isn't that profound? Did you read all of Job's righteous acts and attitudes in chapter 31? He did all of those things without having the Bible to guide him. He went by his heart relationship with God. It did make his darkness worse that he did not have the Bible to guide him. We have God's Word, and many times we do not let it give us light for our way like we should. However, in all of this Job was in God's hands, and he knew that. He knew he could trust God, even though his pain was terrible. (30:19-21) I hope you know that you can trust God even when you are in the dark days of your life.
In Acts 13 Barnabas and Paul were living in the light of just having been called to go as missionaries. They went in God's power, and they proclaimed His message. There was opposition, but they knew they were doing God's will, so they continued in boldness. They proclaimed the death and resurrection of Jesus. People begged to hear their message. (v.42) What a wonderful time! They were walking in the light and God was blessing. That is a great deal different from the dark times, but it still requires following the Lord and His Word each day, or darkness could come quickly to any life. I pray that all of us will live in the light of God's Word and His will for us today.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 32-33 and Acts 14.