July 30, 2006 - Psalms 51-53 and Romans 2
Sin is such a destructive force in the lives of believers and unbelievers. We must wake up to the realization that sin separates us from God. Once our relationship with God is harmed by sin we see the effects, because we have a lack of spiritual power and a lack of joy. I pray that all of us will allow the Lord to speak to us as we read today. If there is unconfessed sin in our lives, I pray that we will confess it and have it's harmful effects removed before there is any more destruction.
Psalm 51 is David's confession after his terrible sin of adultery and murder. He was a believer, but he allowed sin to come in, and it caused him much pain. Learn from David how to sincerely confess sin. (v.3-4) Look at how he asked God for restoration. He knew that his life would never be full of joy until God had forgiven his sin. (v.12) He was very humble before God, because he knew God was looking at the heart. (v.17) As you read, you can feel the hurt in his heart. That is what we must have when we confess our sins and repent before God.
Psalms 52 and 53 emphasize the effects of sin, too. When a person lives in sin, God can't bless that person. (52:5) They are corrupted by sin. (53:1) We all are sinners, and we all need God's cleansing. We must not allow sin to remain for any reason. We must turn to the Lord with all of our hearts.
In Romans 2 Paul continues explaining about sin. The believers were sinning, too. It was not just the pagan people. In fact, the believers we committing many of the same sins as the pagans, just in different ways. Therefore, they were just as much in need of repentance. There is no partiality with God. (v11) If a person sins the results are the same whether they are a believer or an unbeliever. God is not going to overlook our sin, because we are religious. In fact, He may even be harder on us, because we should know better. We must deal with the sin like David did, and ask God to cleanse us, so our relationship with Him can be fully restored.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 54-56 and Romans 3.
Psalm 51 is David's confession after his terrible sin of adultery and murder. He was a believer, but he allowed sin to come in, and it caused him much pain. Learn from David how to sincerely confess sin. (v.3-4) Look at how he asked God for restoration. He knew that his life would never be full of joy until God had forgiven his sin. (v.12) He was very humble before God, because he knew God was looking at the heart. (v.17) As you read, you can feel the hurt in his heart. That is what we must have when we confess our sins and repent before God.
Psalms 52 and 53 emphasize the effects of sin, too. When a person lives in sin, God can't bless that person. (52:5) They are corrupted by sin. (53:1) We all are sinners, and we all need God's cleansing. We must not allow sin to remain for any reason. We must turn to the Lord with all of our hearts.
In Romans 2 Paul continues explaining about sin. The believers were sinning, too. It was not just the pagan people. In fact, the believers we committing many of the same sins as the pagans, just in different ways. Therefore, they were just as much in need of repentance. There is no partiality with God. (v11) If a person sins the results are the same whether they are a believer or an unbeliever. God is not going to overlook our sin, because we are religious. In fact, He may even be harder on us, because we should know better. We must deal with the sin like David did, and ask God to cleanse us, so our relationship with Him can be fully restored.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 54-56 and Romans 3.