April 19, 2006 - II Samuel 6-8 and Luke 15:1-10
Have you enjoyed God's favor on your life? What causes God to bestow His favor on a person's life? I believe we can see God blessing David's life, and we can learn from his life why God bestows his favor on certain people. As you read this passage, let the Lord speak to you about these principles.
Chapter 6 shows us that it was in David's heart to do God's will and to have establish the worship of God as the central truth of his kingdom. He set out as one of his first acts as the king of Israel to bring the ark to Jerusalem. In fact, he might have even been in too much of a hurry, because they carried it in the wrong way, and Uzzah died from touching the ark. However, it shows us David's heart of devotion to God. Then, the fact that he would lead the worship by dancing in front of the Lord and in front of the ark, as they brought it in, tops it all off. He did not care what anyone thought, even Michal, he was going to worship God in an unrestrained way. He desired to give Him all the praise. That is the kind of person God blesses. He looks at the heart. The heart of pure worship and devotion is precious to God.
Therefore, chapter 7 tells us that God established the house of David or the family of David on the throne of Israel forever. David was about to set out to build God a house, but God built David's house, instead. That is a fantastic act of favor on David to bless his family in this way. It was, also, God's way of pointing the people to Jesus who would be a descendant of David and would sit on his throne. Of course, this favor on David's family was based on their obedience to God. (v.14) God would punish disobedience. This shows us that God's favor is dependent on our love and obedience. He does not blindly bless us. He is watching our hearts all the time.
Look at all of the accomplishments of David in chapter 8. He conquered the Philistines and the Syrians. Those were enemies which Israel had never conquered before. He made slaves of Mo ab and Edom. He collected great amounts of gold and silver, and he dedicated it to God's service. He put the gold shields up as a symbol of God's blessings and His victories over their enemies. God gave them rest from their enemies, because of David's humble devotion to Him. We must have the same humble devotion to enjoy the same types of blessings and victories.
Luke 15 shows us more of God's heart. Who did Jesus hang out with and welcome into His presence? He welcomed sinners, the people who needed Him. Do we welcome sinners? What made Jesus rejoice? One sinner who came to repentance caused Him to rejoice with all of the angels in heaven. That is still true in heaven today. However, is that what makes us rejoice? Do we have the priorities of Jesus? We need to orient our lives in this way. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost sheep. Today, we are His hands and feet. If we don't reach out to them, who will? God will bless us if we follow in Jesus' footsteps.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 9-11 and Luke 15:11-32.
Chapter 6 shows us that it was in David's heart to do God's will and to have establish the worship of God as the central truth of his kingdom. He set out as one of his first acts as the king of Israel to bring the ark to Jerusalem. In fact, he might have even been in too much of a hurry, because they carried it in the wrong way, and Uzzah died from touching the ark. However, it shows us David's heart of devotion to God. Then, the fact that he would lead the worship by dancing in front of the Lord and in front of the ark, as they brought it in, tops it all off. He did not care what anyone thought, even Michal, he was going to worship God in an unrestrained way. He desired to give Him all the praise. That is the kind of person God blesses. He looks at the heart. The heart of pure worship and devotion is precious to God.
Therefore, chapter 7 tells us that God established the house of David or the family of David on the throne of Israel forever. David was about to set out to build God a house, but God built David's house, instead. That is a fantastic act of favor on David to bless his family in this way. It was, also, God's way of pointing the people to Jesus who would be a descendant of David and would sit on his throne. Of course, this favor on David's family was based on their obedience to God. (v.14) God would punish disobedience. This shows us that God's favor is dependent on our love and obedience. He does not blindly bless us. He is watching our hearts all the time.
Look at all of the accomplishments of David in chapter 8. He conquered the Philistines and the Syrians. Those were enemies which Israel had never conquered before. He made slaves of Mo ab and Edom. He collected great amounts of gold and silver, and he dedicated it to God's service. He put the gold shields up as a symbol of God's blessings and His victories over their enemies. God gave them rest from their enemies, because of David's humble devotion to Him. We must have the same humble devotion to enjoy the same types of blessings and victories.
Luke 15 shows us more of God's heart. Who did Jesus hang out with and welcome into His presence? He welcomed sinners, the people who needed Him. Do we welcome sinners? What made Jesus rejoice? One sinner who came to repentance caused Him to rejoice with all of the angels in heaven. That is still true in heaven today. However, is that what makes us rejoice? Do we have the priorities of Jesus? We need to orient our lives in this way. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost sheep. Today, we are His hands and feet. If we don't reach out to them, who will? God will bless us if we follow in Jesus' footsteps.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 9-11 and Luke 15:11-32.