April 18, 2006 - II Samuel 3-5 and Luke 14:25-35
God has His way of causing all things to work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) David's life is a great example of this spiritual principle in action. There were a lot of twists and turns in the road, but David finally became of the king of all Israel, and he established his throne in Jerusalem, just like God had intended. Do you realize that God is working this way in your life, if you are one of His children who loves Him? I pray that you have a strong confidence in the goodness and power of God.
Chapters 3 and 4 show us how God blessed David and brought about his ascension to the throne. He used the accusation of Ishbosheth against his general Abner to turn Abner's heart to David. (v.8) He turned the hearts of the people to David over a period of time. (v.19b) He used Joab's disobedient revenge and the cold-blooded murder of Ishbosheth to remove all obstacles to David becoming the king. He did this even though it was not His will for Joab to kill Abner or for the captains to kill Ishbosheth. God can even use unbelievers or disobedient people to work out His will. God is not limited by any of those things. How is God working His will in your life? Are you cooperating with Him? Is your heart set on loving Him and doing His will? If those things are true, He will work things out for your good.
Chapter 5 shows us David's trust in God. He had to wait several years to become king, but he continued to follow God through that time of waiting. As he prays, God directs him and makes him great. (v.10) He showed him how to win the victories over the Philistines in a different way each time. That is why we always have to be sensitive to the Lord. He leads us in the best way each time, but if we are not listening to Him, we could miss His way. God gave David the power to break through his enemies in the first battle, and He told Him to wait for the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees in the second battle. I think that was the sound of the Spirit of God advancing against the Philistines and fighting for the Israelites. That is what He will do for us today. He will give us breakthroughs, and He will go before us, if we follow Him.
The end of Luke 14 is the classic passage on being a disciple. What does it take to follow Jesus? He has to be the unquestionable Lord of your life before all other persons. (v.26) We must die to the old self by taking up the cross ourselves. A disciple no longer lives for self, but for his master. (v.27) We must count the cost of following Him. What is the cost? It costs us everything. We must forsake all. (v.33) How are you doing at being a disciple? It's not hard to do; it is surrender. The only battle comes from pride. Put down the pride and totally trust Jesus. He will bless you as He did David.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 6-8 and Luke 15:1-10.
Chapters 3 and 4 show us how God blessed David and brought about his ascension to the throne. He used the accusation of Ishbosheth against his general Abner to turn Abner's heart to David. (v.8) He turned the hearts of the people to David over a period of time. (v.19b) He used Joab's disobedient revenge and the cold-blooded murder of Ishbosheth to remove all obstacles to David becoming the king. He did this even though it was not His will for Joab to kill Abner or for the captains to kill Ishbosheth. God can even use unbelievers or disobedient people to work out His will. God is not limited by any of those things. How is God working His will in your life? Are you cooperating with Him? Is your heart set on loving Him and doing His will? If those things are true, He will work things out for your good.
Chapter 5 shows us David's trust in God. He had to wait several years to become king, but he continued to follow God through that time of waiting. As he prays, God directs him and makes him great. (v.10) He showed him how to win the victories over the Philistines in a different way each time. That is why we always have to be sensitive to the Lord. He leads us in the best way each time, but if we are not listening to Him, we could miss His way. God gave David the power to break through his enemies in the first battle, and He told Him to wait for the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees in the second battle. I think that was the sound of the Spirit of God advancing against the Philistines and fighting for the Israelites. That is what He will do for us today. He will give us breakthroughs, and He will go before us, if we follow Him.
The end of Luke 14 is the classic passage on being a disciple. What does it take to follow Jesus? He has to be the unquestionable Lord of your life before all other persons. (v.26) We must die to the old self by taking up the cross ourselves. A disciple no longer lives for self, but for his master. (v.27) We must count the cost of following Him. What is the cost? It costs us everything. We must forsake all. (v.33) How are you doing at being a disciple? It's not hard to do; it is surrender. The only battle comes from pride. Put down the pride and totally trust Jesus. He will bless you as He did David.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 6-8 and Luke 15:1-10.