February 3, 2006 - Exodus 31-33 and Matthew 22:1-22
Isn't it amazing how God is so perfect, and He has everything under control, but He still puts up with us, even though we are so weak and sinful? This part of Exodus is a great example of this truth. It ought to make us appreciate God so much more and throw ourselves on His mercy and love in thanksgiving for being so patient with us.
In Exodus 31 God finishes giving Moses the directions for the Tabernacle, and He tells Moses the exact persons to do the work. He tells Moses that He has prepared these men by putting His Spirit in them and giving the knowledge to do what needed to be done. This truth does not just apply to the Tabernacle, but to all of God's plans. He not only prepares the plan, but He prepares the person to carry out the plan. God is so wise. He thinks of everything. We need to realize that and trust Him completely.
However, Exodus 32 and 33 show the weakness of people. We do not stick to God's plan. We sin and go our own way, even after He has given us His commands. We think we know how to do things and to meet our own needs, but we don't. It is a sad situation. We are like the Hebrews making the Golden Calf. Why did the people want it? Did they not hear God say not to make idols? Why did Aaron make it? What were they thinking? They were not thinking correctly, but that is our problem. We are weak and we don't think straight. That is why we need God and His word. The real question is why does He put up with us? Yes, He does get angry with our sin. He does punish us, but He keeps giving us another chance, because He knows our frame that we are but dust. What can dust do by itself? Nothing. What can we do with Him? All things. That is what He longs to see. He wants us to find our rest in Him. (33:14)
Matthew 22 shows us this truth in a way. God had invited Israel to the wedding, but they refused to believe in Jesus. Therefore, He invited the Gentiles. They came, but there was still one man who wanted to come to the wedding on his own terms. He had on the wrong clothes. How did he think he would get away with that? He wasn't thinking correctly. He should have known what to do, but he was unprepared or disobedient. God wanted him to be a part, but He had to put him out of the wedding. This just shows that we have to get with the program, God's program not ours. Who are we to question Him anyway? Like the question about taxes to Caesar. They were testing Jesus. If they knew He was God, they would have known there was no way to trick Him, but they did not know. They were blinded by their own wisdom and self sufficiency. What a tragedy! We are nothing compared to God, but we want to do it our way. Let's turn it all over to Him today and always.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 34-35 and Matthew 22:23-46.
In Exodus 31 God finishes giving Moses the directions for the Tabernacle, and He tells Moses the exact persons to do the work. He tells Moses that He has prepared these men by putting His Spirit in them and giving the knowledge to do what needed to be done. This truth does not just apply to the Tabernacle, but to all of God's plans. He not only prepares the plan, but He prepares the person to carry out the plan. God is so wise. He thinks of everything. We need to realize that and trust Him completely.
However, Exodus 32 and 33 show the weakness of people. We do not stick to God's plan. We sin and go our own way, even after He has given us His commands. We think we know how to do things and to meet our own needs, but we don't. It is a sad situation. We are like the Hebrews making the Golden Calf. Why did the people want it? Did they not hear God say not to make idols? Why did Aaron make it? What were they thinking? They were not thinking correctly, but that is our problem. We are weak and we don't think straight. That is why we need God and His word. The real question is why does He put up with us? Yes, He does get angry with our sin. He does punish us, but He keeps giving us another chance, because He knows our frame that we are but dust. What can dust do by itself? Nothing. What can we do with Him? All things. That is what He longs to see. He wants us to find our rest in Him. (33:14)
Matthew 22 shows us this truth in a way. God had invited Israel to the wedding, but they refused to believe in Jesus. Therefore, He invited the Gentiles. They came, but there was still one man who wanted to come to the wedding on his own terms. He had on the wrong clothes. How did he think he would get away with that? He wasn't thinking correctly. He should have known what to do, but he was unprepared or disobedient. God wanted him to be a part, but He had to put him out of the wedding. This just shows that we have to get with the program, God's program not ours. Who are we to question Him anyway? Like the question about taxes to Caesar. They were testing Jesus. If they knew He was God, they would have known there was no way to trick Him, but they did not know. They were blinded by their own wisdom and self sufficiency. What a tragedy! We are nothing compared to God, but we want to do it our way. Let's turn it all over to Him today and always.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 34-35 and Matthew 22:23-46.