January 31, 2006 - Exodus 25-26 and Matthew 20:17-34
After reading these two passages of God's Word, would you say we serve a God of generalities or a God of specifics? I think it is obvious that we serve a God of specifics. Both of these passages give us ample evidence of this. Please, don't let yourself be fooled into believing that God only has a general will for your life. Don't think that He gives you all of the options to serve Him within wide parameters. That is what I hear some people saying, but it does not match up with the Bible. God deals in specifics. He has things thought out and planned. He does not leave things to chance. He does give us choices, but we should know enough about Him to know that He has one choice that He wants us to make. That choice is His perfect will. If we would all follow His perfect will closely, just think of how much different our lives would be and life on earth would be. It would be much more like heaven, where His perfect will is done all of the time by everyone.
Did you notice how many times God referred to His pattern for the Tabernacle as He showed Moses how to build it. Remember, these verses contain what God told Moses on the mountain. He gave Him the specific blue prints for the place of worship and the furnishings. The book of Hebrews tells us that there is a temple in heaven, and the temple on earth is a copy of the real thing in heaven. That is why it is so important for us to follow God's pattern in all things. He is giving us His perfect pattern containing all of the meaning He wants us to have to know Him and His truth completely. Even the gold shows His purity. The fact that He was going to speak to them from the Holy of Holies showed His presence. (25:22) This was God's home away from heaven, so it had to be right. Now, He dwells in the hearts of believers, and He wants our hearts to be right with Him, too. He uses clean vessels to do His will. He uses those who follow His pattern. I noticed that He even had them dye the outside covering of the Tabernacle red. (26:14) Do you suppose that pointed to the blood, ultimately the blood of Christ? I think it did. Every time the people looked at the Tabernacle, they saw the red, reminding them of the sacrifice needed to take care of their sins. Yes, God has a specific plan and a purpose for everyone and everything.
In Matthew 20 we see the same theme. Jesus told them for the third time that He would die in Jerusalem. He was specific. He said the chief priests and scribes would condemn Him. He would be turned over to the Gentiles to mock, scourge, and crucify Him. Then, He would rise again the third day. How much more specific could He have been? Then, as He dealt with the sons of Zebedee and their mother about their seats in the Kingdom, what did Jesus say? He said the Father had all of the seats planned out. (v.23) It is great to know that God cares for us that much. He is not detached. He is watching. He is leading all things to His conclusion. We can say no. We can sin. We can miss the mark, but He has the perfect plan and the perfect course for us to take. We should earnestly read His Word and pray for Him to reveal His plan for us. We should follow His heavenly pattern for our lives, too. The good thing about God is that He is compassionate and powerful. (v.34) If you have missed His Way, He can make things right. Turn to Him and cry out. Receive His forgiveness and healing power for your life. Then follow Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 27-28 and Matthew 21:1-22.
Did you notice how many times God referred to His pattern for the Tabernacle as He showed Moses how to build it. Remember, these verses contain what God told Moses on the mountain. He gave Him the specific blue prints for the place of worship and the furnishings. The book of Hebrews tells us that there is a temple in heaven, and the temple on earth is a copy of the real thing in heaven. That is why it is so important for us to follow God's pattern in all things. He is giving us His perfect pattern containing all of the meaning He wants us to have to know Him and His truth completely. Even the gold shows His purity. The fact that He was going to speak to them from the Holy of Holies showed His presence. (25:22) This was God's home away from heaven, so it had to be right. Now, He dwells in the hearts of believers, and He wants our hearts to be right with Him, too. He uses clean vessels to do His will. He uses those who follow His pattern. I noticed that He even had them dye the outside covering of the Tabernacle red. (26:14) Do you suppose that pointed to the blood, ultimately the blood of Christ? I think it did. Every time the people looked at the Tabernacle, they saw the red, reminding them of the sacrifice needed to take care of their sins. Yes, God has a specific plan and a purpose for everyone and everything.
In Matthew 20 we see the same theme. Jesus told them for the third time that He would die in Jerusalem. He was specific. He said the chief priests and scribes would condemn Him. He would be turned over to the Gentiles to mock, scourge, and crucify Him. Then, He would rise again the third day. How much more specific could He have been? Then, as He dealt with the sons of Zebedee and their mother about their seats in the Kingdom, what did Jesus say? He said the Father had all of the seats planned out. (v.23) It is great to know that God cares for us that much. He is not detached. He is watching. He is leading all things to His conclusion. We can say no. We can sin. We can miss the mark, but He has the perfect plan and the perfect course for us to take. We should earnestly read His Word and pray for Him to reveal His plan for us. We should follow His heavenly pattern for our lives, too. The good thing about God is that He is compassionate and powerful. (v.34) If you have missed His Way, He can make things right. Turn to Him and cry out. Receive His forgiveness and healing power for your life. Then follow Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 27-28 and Matthew 21:1-22.