November 9 - Acts 7-9
The Christian life is not easy. It is not automatic. We must apply ourselves to becoming like Jesus and to being useful for His kingdom. This lengthy passage reminds us of this in several ways. Let the Lord speak to your heart through these chapters today.
Stephen's defense of his belief in Jesus is a masterful recounting of God's direction in the Old Testament. He is able to tell the history of faith, and to show how the Old Testament foretold the coming of Jesus. Could you do that? Do you possess enough knowledge of God's word to give such a defense? I believe we should all be able to do what Stephen did, because the Bible calls for us to be ready to give an explanation for why we believe what we believe. Then, would you have the boldness of Stephen to endure the persecution even to death? I know that God would give us all that strength, if we were called on to suffer for Him, but I am not sure that everyone would receive it. Some would run from it, instead of standing up for Jesus. What about you?
In chapter 8 as Saul begins to persecute the church, Philip goes to Samaria and preaches the gospel with many being saved and many miracles. Then, he wins the Ethiopian Eunuch to Jesus in the wilderness. What faithfulness! He was not one of the 12 Apostles, but he stepped out on faith and served the Lord in a great way. Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone to witness to others? Are you willing to let the Lord direct you to do new and difficult things by the power of the Spirit? That is the only way you and I will ever see these types of miracles. These only come by following the Lord's call into situations in which we must totally trust Him.
In chapter 9 Saul, the persecutor of Christians, becomes a Christian. It is hard for the other believers to accept, but after all, Jesus can save anyone, can't He? Jesus can use anyone who surrenders to Him, can't He? He is able to prepare people for His service, even before they are saved, like He did Saul. He was prepared to be the apostle to the Gentiles. God was waiting for him to surrender to Jesus, which he did on the road to Damascus. Then, God began to use him to spread the gospel immediately. We don't need to wait for God to use us. We just need to be obedient. What does God want you to do for Him? Don't limit God. Let Him use you to the fullest.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 10-12.
Stephen's defense of his belief in Jesus is a masterful recounting of God's direction in the Old Testament. He is able to tell the history of faith, and to show how the Old Testament foretold the coming of Jesus. Could you do that? Do you possess enough knowledge of God's word to give such a defense? I believe we should all be able to do what Stephen did, because the Bible calls for us to be ready to give an explanation for why we believe what we believe. Then, would you have the boldness of Stephen to endure the persecution even to death? I know that God would give us all that strength, if we were called on to suffer for Him, but I am not sure that everyone would receive it. Some would run from it, instead of standing up for Jesus. What about you?
In chapter 8 as Saul begins to persecute the church, Philip goes to Samaria and preaches the gospel with many being saved and many miracles. Then, he wins the Ethiopian Eunuch to Jesus in the wilderness. What faithfulness! He was not one of the 12 Apostles, but he stepped out on faith and served the Lord in a great way. Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone to witness to others? Are you willing to let the Lord direct you to do new and difficult things by the power of the Spirit? That is the only way you and I will ever see these types of miracles. These only come by following the Lord's call into situations in which we must totally trust Him.
In chapter 9 Saul, the persecutor of Christians, becomes a Christian. It is hard for the other believers to accept, but after all, Jesus can save anyone, can't He? Jesus can use anyone who surrenders to Him, can't He? He is able to prepare people for His service, even before they are saved, like He did Saul. He was prepared to be the apostle to the Gentiles. God was waiting for him to surrender to Jesus, which he did on the road to Damascus. Then, God began to use him to spread the gospel immediately. We don't need to wait for God to use us. We just need to be obedient. What does God want you to do for Him? Don't limit God. Let Him use you to the fullest.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 10-12.