November 7 - Acts 1-3
Your words really do matter. Isn't there a television commercial that says something like that? Well, it is true, but not for the reason stated in that ad. Your words matter, because God uses words to accomplish His will. That is what occurred to me this morning as I read Acts 1-3. There are so many things I could point out from this passage of Scripture, but the truth that jumped out was God's use of words. How aware are you of the power of your words? How much do you think about God using you to speak His word to other people? How often do you consider the impact you could have on another person by speaking the right words? I urge you to take some time to consider your words as you read this passage.
The great truth of Acts 1 is in verse 8. We are witnesses of Jesus in all the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. It does matter that we are in "one accord" with the Lord and other believers. It does matter that we live a life "filled" with the Spirit. However, the only way to be witnesses is to use words. We must speak or write the gospel for other people to know the truth of the good news. This is even illustrated in the story of the selection of Matthias to replace Judas. Peter stood and spoke to them. He quoted the Old Testament. He used words to convince the disciples to move forward in this way. Are you willing to let God use you to speak His word today, so others will come to Christ, or so that believers will be led to do God's will? I hope you see how vital this is.
In chapter 2 there is a great miracle of speaking in other languages to spread the gospel. However, the greatest miracle is that these timid believers are now willing to take to the streets and share the mighty works of God. The combination of new languages and bold believers was enough to get the attention of all of the people in Jerusalem. Then, Peter stood to preach the gospel and 3,000 people were saved. The Bible tells us that God uses words in preaching to present His message, so people can be saved. The same thing happens today. God is blessing the churches in which the people are not ashamed to speak to others about Jesus and to invite others to church. When the whole body of the church is using words to influence others, God uses that for His glory.
In chapter 3 there is a great miracle of healing. It started with words. The lame man asked for alms. He used words to meet his needs. Peter and John heard his words and responded with words from God. Instead of giving him the money he sought, they spoke in the "name" of Jesus to bring healing. Isn't that amazing to think we can speak in the name or authority of Jesus? We can, and we should. Then, once a crowd collected to see the healing, they did not just let the miracle speak for itself. Peter spoke the gospel to them again. He quoted a Scripture from Deuteronomy 18 about those who "will not hear that Prophet (Jesus)." The truth is that salvation comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17) and putting faith in Jesus by confessing Him with the mouth. (Romans 10:9,10) Words are important, aren't they? Why? Words reflect the heart. Is your heart set on the Lord today? Are you set to speak His words? I pray that we will all be used by God in this way each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 4-6.
The great truth of Acts 1 is in verse 8. We are witnesses of Jesus in all the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. It does matter that we are in "one accord" with the Lord and other believers. It does matter that we live a life "filled" with the Spirit. However, the only way to be witnesses is to use words. We must speak or write the gospel for other people to know the truth of the good news. This is even illustrated in the story of the selection of Matthias to replace Judas. Peter stood and spoke to them. He quoted the Old Testament. He used words to convince the disciples to move forward in this way. Are you willing to let God use you to speak His word today, so others will come to Christ, or so that believers will be led to do God's will? I hope you see how vital this is.
In chapter 2 there is a great miracle of speaking in other languages to spread the gospel. However, the greatest miracle is that these timid believers are now willing to take to the streets and share the mighty works of God. The combination of new languages and bold believers was enough to get the attention of all of the people in Jerusalem. Then, Peter stood to preach the gospel and 3,000 people were saved. The Bible tells us that God uses words in preaching to present His message, so people can be saved. The same thing happens today. God is blessing the churches in which the people are not ashamed to speak to others about Jesus and to invite others to church. When the whole body of the church is using words to influence others, God uses that for His glory.
In chapter 3 there is a great miracle of healing. It started with words. The lame man asked for alms. He used words to meet his needs. Peter and John heard his words and responded with words from God. Instead of giving him the money he sought, they spoke in the "name" of Jesus to bring healing. Isn't that amazing to think we can speak in the name or authority of Jesus? We can, and we should. Then, once a crowd collected to see the healing, they did not just let the miracle speak for itself. Peter spoke the gospel to them again. He quoted a Scripture from Deuteronomy 18 about those who "will not hear that Prophet (Jesus)." The truth is that salvation comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17) and putting faith in Jesus by confessing Him with the mouth. (Romans 10:9,10) Words are important, aren't they? Why? Words reflect the heart. Is your heart set on the Lord today? Are you set to speak His words? I pray that we will all be used by God in this way each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 4-6.