November 1 - John 4-6
As we continue to let the Lord speak to us from these long passages of familiar Scripture, I will try to be brief in presenting a few notes about what God said to me. I hope these notes will help you see some things that are helpful, but I pray that God will speak directly to each of you, too. Today, I was surprised to see even more references to "life" than I remembered being in this part of John. Therefore, I will continue the discussion I started yesterday from the first three chapters.
In chapter 4 Jesus witnesses to the woman at the well and to the whole town of Sychar. We often point to this passage as a model for how to witness, and it is an excellent example of how to do it. However, it is also an excellent example of "why" to witness. Jesus wanted this lady and this city to have life, eternal life and abundant life. He took the time to share, even though He was tired, and even though He had a busy schedule in going to Galilee. His food was to do the will of the Father, and the Father's will was that all should come to repentance and faith in Jesus, so they could have life. I pray that we all have this desire to see others come to life in Christ. We must keep it the main focus in our lives.
In chapter 5 Jesus heals the man by the pool, and He speaks to them about how He and the Father are working. How is God working? He is showing people that life is in Jesus. (v.26) He uses miracles and the Word of God. However, not everyone believes. They are not willing to come to Christ for life. That is the key. They will not decide to follow Christ as Lord and Savior. They reject life. What a sad state. Many people find themselves in that hopeless condition, because they convince themselves that life is found in something or in someone else. They miss eternal life.
In chapter 6 Jesus feeds over 5,000 people, and He speaks at length about eating His flesh and drinking His blood. He said, "I am the Bread of Life." (v.48) This was confusing to some, but it is clear that He was making an important point. It is not eating anything physical that gives life. The Spirit gives life, when a person completely "digests" Jesus. (v.63) He is speaking spiritual words to emphasize the importance of completely accepting Jesus into one's life. Then, that person has life. Why did Jesus say something that could be so misunderstood? I don't think it could be misunderstood by those who were inclined to trust Him. It was misunderstood by those who wanted something else decides Him to give them life. If we listen to His words, we know He is not talking about eating His flesh and drinking His blood. The Bible is against cannibalism and drinking blood. isn't it? It is against Jesus' clear teaching that eating something can save your soul and give spiritual life, isn't it? He is making a point. He is the only source of life. We must completely receive Him to receive life. Anything less will fail.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 7-9.
In chapter 4 Jesus witnesses to the woman at the well and to the whole town of Sychar. We often point to this passage as a model for how to witness, and it is an excellent example of how to do it. However, it is also an excellent example of "why" to witness. Jesus wanted this lady and this city to have life, eternal life and abundant life. He took the time to share, even though He was tired, and even though He had a busy schedule in going to Galilee. His food was to do the will of the Father, and the Father's will was that all should come to repentance and faith in Jesus, so they could have life. I pray that we all have this desire to see others come to life in Christ. We must keep it the main focus in our lives.
In chapter 5 Jesus heals the man by the pool, and He speaks to them about how He and the Father are working. How is God working? He is showing people that life is in Jesus. (v.26) He uses miracles and the Word of God. However, not everyone believes. They are not willing to come to Christ for life. That is the key. They will not decide to follow Christ as Lord and Savior. They reject life. What a sad state. Many people find themselves in that hopeless condition, because they convince themselves that life is found in something or in someone else. They miss eternal life.
In chapter 6 Jesus feeds over 5,000 people, and He speaks at length about eating His flesh and drinking His blood. He said, "I am the Bread of Life." (v.48) This was confusing to some, but it is clear that He was making an important point. It is not eating anything physical that gives life. The Spirit gives life, when a person completely "digests" Jesus. (v.63) He is speaking spiritual words to emphasize the importance of completely accepting Jesus into one's life. Then, that person has life. Why did Jesus say something that could be so misunderstood? I don't think it could be misunderstood by those who were inclined to trust Him. It was misunderstood by those who wanted something else decides Him to give them life. If we listen to His words, we know He is not talking about eating His flesh and drinking His blood. The Bible is against cannibalism and drinking blood. isn't it? It is against Jesus' clear teaching that eating something can save your soul and give spiritual life, isn't it? He is making a point. He is the only source of life. We must completely receive Him to receive life. Anything less will fail.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 7-9.