October 30 - Luke 22-24
This passage shows us again that the book of Luke is unique because of many small details and sayings that Luke included as he was inspired to write this book. I hope you will read closely and think about some of these, as they strike your heart. I believe the Lord has a message for each of us in each passage we read.
In chapter 22 there are several subtle statements that are important. Luke tells us in verse 3 that Satan entered Judas. This shows me that Judas had opened himself up to Satan, and now it was time for him to do his work. In verse 31 Jesus tells Peter that Satan asked for him. What a chilling thought! However, Jesus prayed for him. What a blessing! Did you know Jesus is praying for you, too? In the garden an angel appeared to Jesus to strengthen Him. (22:43) There are angels all around us all of the time. They do many things we don't ever see. Then, in verse 61 Jesus turns and looks at Peter after he denied Him the third time. What a glance! Peter wept, but Jesus did not forsake him. Do you feel the eyes of Jesus on you?
In chapter 23 Jesus deals very bluntly with Pilate and Herod, but He does not say much. When He is going to Calvary, Jesus stops to say something insightful. (23:31) It is amazing to think of how cruel men were to the Son of God, even when he was right there with them working miracles. We should expect things to be even worse now. However, Jesus is there to walk with us and take care of us, as He did the repentant thief. (23:43) What a thought to be with Jesus in Paradise!
In chapter 24 the resurrection is real. The Scripture has been fulfilled. (24:27) It was still hard for them to believe their eyes, so Jesus ate fish in their presence. (24:43) He did what it took to show them the truth of His resurrection. He even opened their understanding. (24:45) I believe He does the same thing today for those with hearts to learn and grow. Will you pray for Jesus to open your understanding? I hope you will make that your pray on a regular basis, as you seek to know Him more and more.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 1-3.
In chapter 22 there are several subtle statements that are important. Luke tells us in verse 3 that Satan entered Judas. This shows me that Judas had opened himself up to Satan, and now it was time for him to do his work. In verse 31 Jesus tells Peter that Satan asked for him. What a chilling thought! However, Jesus prayed for him. What a blessing! Did you know Jesus is praying for you, too? In the garden an angel appeared to Jesus to strengthen Him. (22:43) There are angels all around us all of the time. They do many things we don't ever see. Then, in verse 61 Jesus turns and looks at Peter after he denied Him the third time. What a glance! Peter wept, but Jesus did not forsake him. Do you feel the eyes of Jesus on you?
In chapter 23 Jesus deals very bluntly with Pilate and Herod, but He does not say much. When He is going to Calvary, Jesus stops to say something insightful. (23:31) It is amazing to think of how cruel men were to the Son of God, even when he was right there with them working miracles. We should expect things to be even worse now. However, Jesus is there to walk with us and take care of us, as He did the repentant thief. (23:43) What a thought to be with Jesus in Paradise!
In chapter 24 the resurrection is real. The Scripture has been fulfilled. (24:27) It was still hard for them to believe their eyes, so Jesus ate fish in their presence. (24:43) He did what it took to show them the truth of His resurrection. He even opened their understanding. (24:45) I believe He does the same thing today for those with hearts to learn and grow. Will you pray for Jesus to open your understanding? I hope you will make that your pray on a regular basis, as you seek to know Him more and more.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 1-3.