May 15 - Job 38-39
This passage is very special. God answers Job out of the whirlwind. It is special anytime God speaks, but it is very significant when He comes to answer a prayer. Job had been wanting to speak with God, so now was his chance. God came to him. God spoke to him directly. I do not think God was angry with Job even though his attitude had not been the best. I do not think that God said what He said with any attitude of pride. God broke in to show Himself to Job. He was just being Himself. When was the last time God spoke to you? What did He say? I hope this experience is a regular part of your life. God speaks to us in His time and in His way, but the Bible makes it clear that He loves to speak to His children. Sometimes we want Him to speak to us sooner than He does, but He is always right on time.
God does not really give Job an answer to His question about why his trial had happened. God asks Job a series of questions. Each question is something in creation that God has planned and produced on His own. He asks Job these questions honestly to see if Job really has knowledge of things like He does. Does Job know the foundation of the earth? What holds up the universe in space? Who told the ocean to stay in its limits? Who set the constellations in the heavens? Who put the instincts in the animals? The list goes on and on. These are all details of God's creation. He had to think of all of these things before He made it all. He had to make sure it all worked together. That is who God is. Now, if Job wants to talk to Him about one of His decisions, He is ready. Look at the first two verses of chapter 40. He tells Job to go ahead, and give his correction and his rebuke to God.
How do you think Job felt at this point? Of course, he felt like a worm before God. He was awe-struck to hear all of these things. We will see this in his answer to God. However, before you read the answer, think about how dumb it is for a person to question the creator and sustainer of the universe. Have you been guilty of that sin? I think we all have at some point. It may have been in a time of grief like Job, but whenever it was, it was sinful. God has thought of everything, and He has not left anything out. We can't come close to God's wisdom and knowledge. We must bow before Him and submit to His power and glory. We should be thankful that this awesome God loves us, and He speaks to us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 40-42.
God does not really give Job an answer to His question about why his trial had happened. God asks Job a series of questions. Each question is something in creation that God has planned and produced on His own. He asks Job these questions honestly to see if Job really has knowledge of things like He does. Does Job know the foundation of the earth? What holds up the universe in space? Who told the ocean to stay in its limits? Who set the constellations in the heavens? Who put the instincts in the animals? The list goes on and on. These are all details of God's creation. He had to think of all of these things before He made it all. He had to make sure it all worked together. That is who God is. Now, if Job wants to talk to Him about one of His decisions, He is ready. Look at the first two verses of chapter 40. He tells Job to go ahead, and give his correction and his rebuke to God.
How do you think Job felt at this point? Of course, he felt like a worm before God. He was awe-struck to hear all of these things. We will see this in his answer to God. However, before you read the answer, think about how dumb it is for a person to question the creator and sustainer of the universe. Have you been guilty of that sin? I think we all have at some point. It may have been in a time of grief like Job, but whenever it was, it was sinful. God has thought of everything, and He has not left anything out. We can't come close to God's wisdom and knowledge. We must bow before Him and submit to His power and glory. We should be thankful that this awesome God loves us, and He speaks to us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 40-42.