January 26 - Leviticus 15-18
I am amused when I hear people say that the Bible is not a book of science. It is obvious that those people have not spent much time reading the Bible. There may not be very many extended passages that deal with issues that relate to the study of our world and the universe, but there are truths of science related all through the Bible. This passage is a good example. I wonder how many cultures of the day were aware of the dangers of contact with bodily fluids and the benefits of washing with water? Here the Lord gives His people very specific warnings and instructions about this. He does it out of His love for them and not for a purely academic reason.
Then, there is the explanation of the Day of Atonement. God commands His people to set aside one day each year to concentrate entirely on the atonement of their sins. The priest is to offer sacrifices for himself, the Tabernacle, and the people. The people are to take it as a serious day of reflection and repentance. This is all because of the deadly nature of sin. We must never ignore sin of any kind, and we must realize that forgiveness only comes from the Lord, and it only comes in His way. Today, it is only through Jesus and His work on the Cross.
The passage on blood has scientific implications, too. God's people were not to eat the blood of animals, because the life of the flesh is in the blood. The blood is what sustains life. The Bible is clear on this. Therefore, we are to hold it as special and not consume it. As much as scientists have sought out how to create life, they can only copy (clone) it. They have still not discovered the source of life. The Lord says it is in the blood.
Finally, the extensive passage on sexual sin is very instructive. We live in a world where people around us will give into their sexual desires and fulfill them in just about any way possible. God says no to that lifestyle. He says it is perversion of the right way. He says there must be discipline to fulfill our sexual needs in His way. His way is in the bonds of marriage between one man and one woman. In this passage He does not go into the truths about marriage, but He does say no to the ways of the people of this world. He shows us as believers that His way is different, no matter what is going on around us. We must stay away from sexual immorality in any form.
Then, there is the explanation of the Day of Atonement. God commands His people to set aside one day each year to concentrate entirely on the atonement of their sins. The priest is to offer sacrifices for himself, the Tabernacle, and the people. The people are to take it as a serious day of reflection and repentance. This is all because of the deadly nature of sin. We must never ignore sin of any kind, and we must realize that forgiveness only comes from the Lord, and it only comes in His way. Today, it is only through Jesus and His work on the Cross.
The passage on blood has scientific implications, too. God's people were not to eat the blood of animals, because the life of the flesh is in the blood. The blood is what sustains life. The Bible is clear on this. Therefore, we are to hold it as special and not consume it. As much as scientists have sought out how to create life, they can only copy (clone) it. They have still not discovered the source of life. The Lord says it is in the blood.
Finally, the extensive passage on sexual sin is very instructive. We live in a world where people around us will give into their sexual desires and fulfill them in just about any way possible. God says no to that lifestyle. He says it is perversion of the right way. He says there must be discipline to fulfill our sexual needs in His way. His way is in the bonds of marriage between one man and one woman. In this passage He does not go into the truths about marriage, but He does say no to the ways of the people of this world. He shows us as believers that His way is different, no matter what is going on around us. We must stay away from sexual immorality in any form.