January 24 - Leviticus 7-10
Today is the birthday of my first grandchild, William Kade Loomis. He was born at 8:19 AM at Southern Regional Medical Center. My daughter, Lori, and her husband, Jeff, did very well during the delivery, and Kade was born healthy and whole. This is a wonderful blessing to our family. We have been diligent to pray for this day since May 2004 when we found out Lori was expecting. We praise God and thank Him for the wonderful way He answered our requests.
I spent my unhurried time with the Lord in the lobby of the Women's Life Center beginning at about 4:30 AM. Last night as the time came to go to the hospital, Lori and Jeff already had their bags backed, the car loaded, and they were ready to go. I came home from church and grabbed my brief case and a snack before I left. My brief case is where I keep my unhurried time notebook, my devotional book, and my pen. I picked up my wide margin Bible and the Open Windows devotional, too, since they are vital in my times with the Lord. I did not want to miss my time with the Lord especially on this day. It was not so important for me to be there when Kade was born, but it was very important for God's presence to be there. There was not much I could do about the situation, but there was a lot He could do.
As I read the passage from Leviticus, I was very tired. I slept on the floor for about 30 minutes, and I dozed a bit in the chair. However, I was very tired after a full day Sunday. As is usually the case when I have less sleep, I was not able to concentrate on God's Word quite as well. Our physical condition always effects our spirit and our soul (mind, will, and emotions). God was still able to break through and speak to me about the anointing of the priests. We all need His Spirit to empower us. It was so wonderful to see how God blessed when they followed His directions by coming in His glory. Then, it was scary to consider how serious it is to disobey like Nadab and Abihu. We never want to take the things of the Lord lightly.
I finished up by praying for the missionaries around the world and around North America. Then, I realized how much God had worked to answer our prayers. The baby came at a time when the whole family could gather. The labor and delivery was short and sweet as Lori had requested. The baby was born almost a full month from the Christmas holiday and a full day before the important IMB meeting tomorrow. There was a caring doctor and mid-wife God had provided, too. All I could say was "Thank you, Lord!" He always does above what we can ask or think. Even when He does not answer our prayers the way we want, He is there to bless us, if we will just stay faithful to Him.
I spent my unhurried time with the Lord in the lobby of the Women's Life Center beginning at about 4:30 AM. Last night as the time came to go to the hospital, Lori and Jeff already had their bags backed, the car loaded, and they were ready to go. I came home from church and grabbed my brief case and a snack before I left. My brief case is where I keep my unhurried time notebook, my devotional book, and my pen. I picked up my wide margin Bible and the Open Windows devotional, too, since they are vital in my times with the Lord. I did not want to miss my time with the Lord especially on this day. It was not so important for me to be there when Kade was born, but it was very important for God's presence to be there. There was not much I could do about the situation, but there was a lot He could do.
As I read the passage from Leviticus, I was very tired. I slept on the floor for about 30 minutes, and I dozed a bit in the chair. However, I was very tired after a full day Sunday. As is usually the case when I have less sleep, I was not able to concentrate on God's Word quite as well. Our physical condition always effects our spirit and our soul (mind, will, and emotions). God was still able to break through and speak to me about the anointing of the priests. We all need His Spirit to empower us. It was so wonderful to see how God blessed when they followed His directions by coming in His glory. Then, it was scary to consider how serious it is to disobey like Nadab and Abihu. We never want to take the things of the Lord lightly.
I finished up by praying for the missionaries around the world and around North America. Then, I realized how much God had worked to answer our prayers. The baby came at a time when the whole family could gather. The labor and delivery was short and sweet as Lori had requested. The baby was born almost a full month from the Christmas holiday and a full day before the important IMB meeting tomorrow. There was a caring doctor and mid-wife God had provided, too. All I could say was "Thank you, Lord!" He always does above what we can ask or think. Even when He does not answer our prayers the way we want, He is there to bless us, if we will just stay faithful to Him.