King Over All The Earth

 We live in a day of division. There are so many countries on the face of the earth. Each one has its own leader and laws. Even in our country there is great division. One group wants to follow this leader, while another group has their leader. It causes us much conflict and strife. It should make us long for unity. One day we have unity over the entire world.

Jesus will return and set up His throne in Jerusalem. He will descend on the Mount of Olives and walk into Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate. (Zechariah 14:9)  Then Jesus will be King over all the earth. The Lord will be the only One, and His name will be the only One. We call this time the Millennial Kingdom, a time when Jesus will reign over the whole world and all peoples will come to worship Him.

In reality Jesus is the King over all of the earth right now. There is no One greater or higher than Jesus Christ. There is no other name besides His name that has all authority in heaven and on earth. The difference is that now we have a choice of whether or not to submit to Jesus as our King. All who submit in repentance and faith in Jesus become part of the Kingdom of God right now.

Then, we live for our King. We follow His law. We depend on His grace and strength. He always leads us the right way, and we enjoy the abundant life in the here and now. Yes, it will be better when we get to heaven and worship before the throne of God. It will be fantastic to reign with Jesus in the Millennial Kingdom, too, but He is with us right now as our King, if we trust Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Malachi 2-4.

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