God Hates Perjury

 Some people do love to change their story depending on with whom they are speaking, It is a form of lying, but it has a subtle difference. They spin a part of the truth to fit their audience, and then, later they tell it in another way to please that audience. They don't really tell the truth either time. This is perjury.

Zechariah gave us a stern warning from God. (Zechariah 8:17)  We must not devise evil in our heart against another person, and we must not love perjury, because all of these are what God hates. If we do what God hates, we will receive His punishment, so we need to hate perjury, too.

As Christians, we are to tell the truth all of the time. Jesus is the Truth, and we are to be like Jesus. Therefore, we must make the commitment to tell the whole truth all of the time. If we will do that, we will eliminate perjury from our lives. We must not change what we say to fit our audience, because we want them to accept us, or we want to keep from getting in trouble. 

That is why a half-truth is a whole lie. When we give any spin to the whole truth, we are deceiving the other person in some way. Eventually, the truth will come out, and we will be in trouble, just like a witness in a court who gets caught in perjury. God will catch us, even if no one else does, so let's stick with the truth.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 10-12.

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