Something Impossible for God

 God is not like us. We are fallible, and so we make mistakes all of the time. Of course, we can learn and grow spiritually to the point that we make fewer mistakes, but we will never be perfect. God is just the opposite in this area. God never makes a mistake. It is impossible for Him to do the wrong thing at any time. Many of us can't get this through our heads. Even Job seemed to think that God was not doing him right by allowing his suffering, since he had not sinned to cause it. Therefore, when his younger friend, Elihu, had heard all of the conversations between the older men, he got angry. He finally spoke up to set them straight. He made a good point, but he did not fully comprehend what he was saying. (Job 34:10).Elihu addressed the group by assuring them that it was impossible for God to do wrong or to act unjustly. He was right, but I am not sure he fully knew what he was saying, because of his other remarks. Let's make sure we understand it well. 

It is impossible for God to do the wrong thing or to act unjustly, but He can do whatever He wants to do, since He is in control of everything in the universe. He can act in a way that seems wrong, at first, but then, He can make it all right by how it ends up. That is what Job and his friends were missing. They thought the only way that God could be right in what He was doing to Job was that Job had sinned. That was not correct. God was righteous in allowing Job to suffer because He was teaching Satan a lesson and growing Job's faith. Those two things made what He was doing very good and just. Now, let's all keep that in mind when bad things happen to us, and we are tempted to get angry with God and say He did us wrong. Let's remember that it is impossible for God to do wrong, so He was a way that He is going to make it right toward us in the end. We can trust Him. He is always faithful. This is what Romans 8:28 teaches us. God is able to make all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. See, we never need to get upset with God or doubt His justice. We need to simply keep trusting Him, and He will make it right.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 35-37.

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