God's Judgment
We all make judgments every day. We decide what to do and how best to do. We have to judge what is right and what is wrong. We even have to sit on juries that decide whether a crime has been committed or not, and we have to render a judgment in that case. All of these things are part of human judgment. That is how God designed us to function in this world. It is part of being made in His image. God is the Eternal Judge of all things. (Psalm 9:7-8) The Lord sits enthroned forever, and He has established His throne for judgment. He judges the world, that is, everyone and everything that happens in the world He created. He judges the world with righteousness, and His judgment on the nations is with fairness. I wonder how often we stop to remember that God is our Eternal Judge. It should have a big impact on our lives, because one day we will stand before the Judge to give an account for our life.
God has all authority. That means He is sovereign over everything in creation, and He can decide to do whatever He wants to do. He always does the right thing, because that is His perfect nature. Also, God has all power at His disposal. Therefore, He can and will enforce whatever judgments He makes. That is what the throne of God represents. He is the King over all creation. His throne is eternal. It will have no end. He knew that He had to be the Judge over all He made to keep things in order and to bring about perfect justice. He is carrying out this judgment now, as He watches everything in the world, since He is able to see every person and everything that happens with perfect understanding of motives and actions. He remembers all that He sees, and that is what He uses to make His judgment when we stand before Him. We can be assured because of all these things that His judgment is done in fairness. There is no unrighteousness in God's judgment, because He judges everything by His perfect righteousness. All of this can be scary, but also it is reassuring to us. We will receive what we deserve. If we have been saved from our sins by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, He will confirm that and bring us to heaven. Also, when we stand before Him in judgment, we will receive what we deserve from how we lived our life, whether we did well or not. Let's make sure we know Jesus as Lord and Savior and that we live for Him and His will every day of our life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 10-12.