Our Loving Care for Others

 I know people today are busy. I also know that money is tight right now because of inflation. We are greatly tempted by the flesh to use our time and money for ourselves, instead of sharing it with others. If we give in to that temptation, we will be guilty of a sin of omission. Yes, we will be sinning because we are not doing something good that the Lord has commanded us to do. It might not be as glaring a sin as some of the sins of commission, the bad things we do, but it is just as bad in God's eyes. That is why when Job gave his final words of defense to his friends, he dealt with both types of sins. He had stayed away from doing things to hurt others, and he had done his part to help those who were in need. (Job 31:31-32) Job named two things he did out of love for others consistently. The members of his household would tell anyone that everyone who came to Job's table to eat ate well. Also, no one spent the night on the street, because Job always opened his home to the traveler, who needed a place to stay. Both of these consistent actions show us that Job had a loving care for others, and he was generous to them. I wonder how we are doing in this area?

Selfishness is a sin. Hoarding up our money and resources to spend them on ourselves is a sin, too. Remember, we are just stewards of all God gives us. He wants us to use what He gives us to help others like He would help them. Jesus fed the 5,000+, so He wants us to help feed those at our table from our resources. Then, He will bless us in even more ways to make up the difference. (Philippians 4:14-19) At the same time we get the blessings that come to us from being loving to others. We can practice hospitality or helping people who need a place to stay, but can't afford it. This was a real need in Jesus' day, since there were few places for travelers to shelter for the night. We might not need to practice this as much today, but there are other ways we can help meet the needs of others using what God has given us. Then, people see the love of Christ in us and are drawn to Him. I pray that all of us, as believers, will show our loving care for others all the time and be lights for Jesus in this dark world.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 32-34. 

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