God's Spirit Poured Out

Joel was a powerful prophet, who foretold the destruction of Judah. He also was given prophecy about the restoration of God's people to the land and His blessings on them. Then, God showed him a marvelous time in the future. At that time, God would pour out His Spirit for all people to receive, not just prophets and kings, like the Old Covenant. Anyone, of any age, who trusted in the Lord would receive the Spirit and be able to know God's will and speak it to others. (Joel 2:28) I am sure that prophecy amazed all of the people who heard it. However, we should still be amazed today.

Joel's prophecy was a description of the Day of Pentecost, which took place 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus. It was on that day, when 120 believers were gathered in the upper room to pray for God to intervene in their lives, that God poured out His Spirit for all people to receive. All the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they were able to speak in all of the languages of the people who had gathered for the festival of Pentecost in Jerusalem. Men and women alike went out to share the good news of Jesus with all of those people. Peter preached, and over 3,000 people were saved. All of this happened by the power of the Spirit, and it is still happening today. The Spirit gives dreams and vision to God's people, so we can know and do His will. He gives us His instructions so we can tell others. He enables us to speak forth His word, so people can be saved. I pray that all of us have trusted Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, and we are enjoying the Spirit living in us and working through us.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 1-4.

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