Our Awesome God

Solomon began the work on the temple, the place of worship where God's presence would reside. He explained to Hiram, King of Tyre, what he needed for the project. Then, he informed Hiram why He had to build such a great temple.(II Chronicles 2:5,6) We need to hear his wisdom in what he told Hiram.

Our awesome God is greater than all the other gods of this world. When we come to know this fact, why worship anyone or anything else except Him? Worshiping any other god is not fulfilling, and it is an insult to the One True God.

Our Awesome God is so great that the heavens cannot contain Him, so how can His presence reside in a temple made with hands? We can't fully comprehend how that can happen, but we know that is the character of our God, and it is His heart. He wants to dwell with us and in us in a close personal relationship.

Our Awesome God is so great we could never do anything for Him. All we can do is worship Him from our hearts, offering Him the sacrifice of praise. He deserves all of our praise and thanks all the time.

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 5-8.

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