What Are These Stones?
There are a lot of aspects of parenting our children. Of course, we must provide for their physical health and growth, as well as their discipline, so they can grow up into responsible adults. Part of that discipline is teaching them all of the things they need to know about life. We are so busy with these things that I am afraid we forget to teach them about the Lord by sharing how we know the Lord and what He has done for us in our lives. (Joshua 4:21,22) Children need to hear our stories about the Lord's work in our lives, like Joshua told the people of Israel to tell their children how God had dried up the Jordan River for them to cross into the Promised Land. Stop and consider what this verse is saying.
When our children see things in our homes and in our church buildings that have spiritual significance, we need to stop and explain their meaning. Maybe we have pictures on our walls or in albums that remind us of things the Lord has done in our lives. We may have a ring or a Bible that has been passed down to us or given to us for a spiritual reason. There may even be a place where we have encountered God in our lives, and we need to take our children to that place, and tell them about what God did there. Things like this give our belief in God substance for our children. It shows them that God is alive and well, and it makes them appreciate how He loves us.
One of my favorite stories to tell my children is how God brought their mother and I together in a miraculous way. I was her surprise birthday gift for her 17th birthday. I would not have been there if my best friend had not had his car keys taken away, so that I had to drive him and his girlfriend on a date. Instead of a movie they were invited to Chris's surprise party, and I was invited, too. Afterward, my friend's date, Melanie, asked Chris if she would go out with me, so we could have a double date after the party. That would not have been so significant, except I had prayed two weeks before that for God to show me the girl I should date without me having to ask her. God worked it our just like I asked, and now we have been married 40 years. God is real, and my kids know it from that story and many others. I hope you will do the same thing for your children.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 5-8.
When our children see things in our homes and in our church buildings that have spiritual significance, we need to stop and explain their meaning. Maybe we have pictures on our walls or in albums that remind us of things the Lord has done in our lives. We may have a ring or a Bible that has been passed down to us or given to us for a spiritual reason. There may even be a place where we have encountered God in our lives, and we need to take our children to that place, and tell them about what God did there. Things like this give our belief in God substance for our children. It shows them that God is alive and well, and it makes them appreciate how He loves us.
One of my favorite stories to tell my children is how God brought their mother and I together in a miraculous way. I was her surprise birthday gift for her 17th birthday. I would not have been there if my best friend had not had his car keys taken away, so that I had to drive him and his girlfriend on a date. Instead of a movie they were invited to Chris's surprise party, and I was invited, too. Afterward, my friend's date, Melanie, asked Chris if she would go out with me, so we could have a double date after the party. That would not have been so significant, except I had prayed two weeks before that for God to show me the girl I should date without me having to ask her. God worked it our just like I asked, and now we have been married 40 years. God is real, and my kids know it from that story and many others. I hope you will do the same thing for your children.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 5-8.