Telling Your Story

Never forget what Jesus has done for you by forgiving your sins and changing your life. Never stop telling your story to everyone you know and meet. That is what Jesus told the man who had so many demons he was called "Legion."(Luke 8:39) However, it is true for all believers all of the time.

When was the last time you told your story? If you can't remember, it has been too long. It is an excellent way to break the ice in a conversation to start to talk about spiritual things or the gospel. It is a great way to show others the gospel and to ask them to trust Christ like you did. We must not neglect to tell our personal stories.

This man was controlled by many demons so that he went around naked, screaming out, living among the tombs with broken shackles on this arms and legs. Then, when he met Jesus, the demons were cast out, he trusted Christ as his Lord and Savior, and his life was radically changed for the better. Those who came found him dressed, in his right mind, and sitting at the feet of Jesus. Amazing! Even if you were saved at 5 years old, and you never did anything horrible, your story will make an impact on those who hear it. It proves Jesus is real, and He changes lives. Think back through your life. Write out your story, and be ready to share it every day. God will bless you and others for obeying Him.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 9-11.

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