Sent Out By Jesus

All Christians are sent out by Jesus to be His witnesses in this world that needs Him so much. We are to share His message as we go, depending on Him to provide all we need. It is very instructive for us to look at how Jesus sent out the Twelve Disciples for the first time and to think about His instructions to them.(Mark 6:7-9)

Jesus sent them out "two by two." This shows that they needed to support each other. They needed companionship or fellowship with another believer, as they encountered a dark world. We need other believers. Relationships matter to God and to us.

He gave them power over unclean spirits. Satan would try to stop them, but Jesus gave them what they needed to overcome the forces of Satan, if they would use what He gave them. The same is true for us today. Satan is no match for the power of God in us. We must stand against Satan's forces in His power, and we will be victorious.

Jesus told them to take "nothing except a staff." I suppose the staff was a walking stick, and it could be used for minor tasks or self defense from animals. However, they were not to take money or extra clothes. That is somewhat strange, but it tells us a lot about the Lord. When He sends us to do a job, He provides all we need, a place to live, our food, people to speak with. He is our Source for everything. We should not spend time worrying about our needs being met. We are to care for others, while the Lord cares for us. In fact, we know what He wants us to do by who opens up to us and allows us to come into their lives.

So, are you on mission with Christ each day? Are you on a mission to share the Good News with those you meet? Are you intentional about going out for the Lord, as His messenger? If we miss this, we miss the main way that we are to be like Jesus. He left heaven to provide our salvation. We are to leave our comforts and ease to go to others who need Him.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Mark 8-10.  

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