More Than Half-way Home

I know I have told the story about John Anderson telling me that the "wagon goes down the hill faster than it goes up the hill." Of course, he was referring to how life speeds up the older we get. I was amazed to hear from David Snipes that Mr. Anderson is still alive. It has been at least 30 years since he told me that. He is a lot closer to home now than ever, no matter how fast his wagon is traveling. I pray that John Anderson, my good Methodist brother, is longing for His home in Heaven.

I know for me this birthday signals one thing, at least. I am more than half-way home myself. Now, I am not wanting to try to be God, so if He wants me to live to 111, that is fine with me. I just know that most likely I will not make it that long or Jesus will return before that day. Therefore, I need to realize the reality of my situation.

Someone asked me today how old I feel. I told them "about 18." That is really true most of the time. In some ways I am in better shape than I was then. I doubt if I could have run 4 or 5 miles when I was getting out of high school, and now I can. My heart is just as joyful, and in many ways, I am even more carefree now than I was then. It is wonderful to have all of those positives and to know everything I know now that I did not know at 18. I would not trade it for the world.

The key is that I have to make every effort to take advantage of every opportunity now. It has always been that way, but now the urgency is increased. I don't want to waste any time, but I know that I need to smell the roses as I go, too. Home will be wonderful for all of us who know Christ. It will be especially grand if we can hear Him say, "well done." Even if He does say it to me, I will probably miss it, because I will be crying tears of joy just to be in His presence. Yes, being more than half-way home is a very good thing.

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 2-5.

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