Encouraging Christians

It is a joy to my heart to see Christians who encourage other believers by their words and actions. There are far too many sources of discouragement today, so we need more encouragers than ever. It seems to be foreign to some people, though. They just can't bring themselves to speak an uplifting word or give a gift of appreciation to another person. It is so much easier to find fault or to talk about themselves. Encouragement is something that most people have to cultivate, but it is well worth the time.

Every church needs an army of brothers and sisters like Barnabas. Beginning in Acts 4:36 we learn about this man named Joses, who was given the name Barnabas by the apostles, because he was a "Son of Encouragement." What an excellent title for a believer! What a blessing to any church! He sold his land to donate the money to those in the church who had needs. He was the one who believed in Saul and helped to mentor him into the great apostle to the Gentiles. Finally, he stuck with John Mark when Paul would have rejected him, and later, Paul had to admit that John Mark had become a profitable brother. I am sure a lot of that was due to the encouragement of Barnabas.

Are you a Barnabas? If we can't answer yes, we ought to pray earnestly for the Spirit to make us into an encouraging person by His grace and power. I believe that will bring a smile to the face of God, and I know it would bring a smile to many brothers and sisters in Christ here.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 12-14 and Mark 5:21-43.

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