Servant Leadership
Most of the leaders we see in the world around us seem to be trying to make a name for themselves. They want to get as much for themselves as they can, whether it is money or power they are seeking. They may have the ability to get a lot of things done, but that is not the best kind of leadership. The greatest leaders are unselfish servant leaders.
Joshua was such a leader. (Joshua 19:49) When they had finished apportioning the land for inheritance by its borders, the sons of Israel gave an inheritance among them to Joshua the son of Nun. Isn't that amazing? He took over for Moses. He led them to conquer the land and divide it, but he was the last one to get his inheritance. Joshua was only trying to do God's will, not enrich himself.
Of course, Jesus was the greatest servant leader. He came to earth to die for us, because of His great love. He did not come to be served, but to serve and give Himself a ransom for others. (Mark 10:45) He was quick to give His time and efforts to help others, while waiting to have His needs met.
This is the kind of leaders we need in our country, in our churches, and in our families. Just think of what we could learn from leaders like this and what could be accomplished for the glory of the Lord. I pray that we all will ask Jesus to show us how to be servant leaders like He is. Then, just think of what could be accomplished.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 21-23.