Fully Convinced
Abraham was a man of great faith. Yes, he made some mistakes in his life, but his faith in the Lord was remarkable. God called on him to leave his family and his country to go to a new place, and Abraham followed the Lord's direction, even though he did not know where God would take him. I am not sure how many of us would do that. He promised to make Abraham a great nation, too. However, he and Sarah did not have any children, so Abraham did not know how that was going to happen. Finally, God told him that he and Sarah would have a son in the next year, and that he would be the heir. Abraham believed God even though he was going to be 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old. (Romans 4:20-21) Abraham did not waver in unbelief at God's promise, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because He was fully convinced that what God had promised, He was able to do. I pray that we all can have this same confidence in the Lord, so our faith will remain strong through all of life's situations.
It takes a lot for us to be fully convinced of something. I think we tend to be very skeptical of most things today, since we see many things that don't work out the way we think they will. We do not know who to trust, and we do not know how much trust to put in people, because they may let us down. We must not allow our experiences with people to keep us from having great faith in the Lord. Each time we read something in the Bible or God tells us something, we need to do it just like God says to do it. Then, we can watch to see what God does. When we see Him working, it builds our trust in Him, until we are fully convinced that what God has promised He is able to do every time. That is the point of great faith we all need to achieve. It can only happen by trusting God in the little things, until we build up to trusting Him in everything. Anyone can do that, but it is up to us to do. Remember, faith without works is dead faith. Let's trust God and do what He says. Then, we will become fully convinced like Abraham.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Romans 5-7.