Hollow, Worthless Wood
Many things are made out of wood. In each case a specific type of wood is chosen because of its qualities. Some wood is very hard and good for furniture. Other types of wood are softer. so they can be shaped into various forms. However, some wood is very brittle, so it breaks easily. It could even be hollow, like the wood of a vine. In that case it is not good for making anything that is sturdy. Therefore, it is worthless for making almost anything. That was the analogy about Israel given by the Lord to Ezekiel. (Ezekiel 15:2,3) He compared the people of Israel to a vine, which could not be used like the other branches in the forest. The vine couldn't even be used to make a peg on which to hang a cooking vessel. The people of God were hollow, worthless wood, so the Lord was going to burn them in the fire. There is a great lesson here.
God saves each of us when we put our trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Then, we are to grow strong in our faith, so we can be useful to Him. He will strengthen us, but we have to take the initiative to read His Word and pray, so we know what to do. Then, we have to do it. I like to say it is exercising spiritually. If all we do is eat from the Bible on Sundays, we will not get stronger. We have to exercise our spiritual muscles by obeying what we learn. Then, we grow a step at a time, and we become more nd more useful to God. We are not hollow any more, but we have substance to our walk with Him. However, if we fail to grow in the Lord, He is displeased, as He was with Israel. We will be subjected to His anger, so we will realize our need to obey Him and to be used for His glory and honor.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 16-18.