God Keeps His Word
As people, sometimes we fail to follow through on what we say we will do. God never has that problem. God always keeps His word. Once God has said something will happen, it always happens. No one can stop it from happening just as He said. We see this in the account of what happened after Saul's death. God had already said that David would be the next king, and Samuel had anointed him. However, Abner, Saul's' general, set up one of Saul's sons to be king over the 10 tribes of Israel, while David reigned over Judah and Benjamin from Hebron. There was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. (II Samuel 3:1) The longer the war went on, the stronger David became and the weaker the house of Saul became, until David was made king over all of the 12 tribes. We see this same thing happening today, as well.
Has God showed you something in the Bible, or has He spoken to you in prayer to tell you just what He will accomplish in your life? When that happens, we should never doubt that God will bring it to pass. In fact, we should be faithful to the Lord and watch to see how He brings it about for us. Often, it will be a process that takes several years, as it did for David to become king. We will see more and more until it happens. We will be made stronger and stronger, so we are prepared for what God has for us. This is a great blessing from the Lord, and we should be so thankful when He shows us what He will do. Then, we should continue steadfast in the Lord as we watch Him do it in His way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 4-6.