Know Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt
God doesn't want us to have to guess about our eternal salvation. How cruel would He be if He kept us guessing about such a vital subject? If we miss eternal life, we get eternal separation from God and punishment in the burning hell. God would never do that. He makes our salvation so clear that we know beyond the shadow of the doubt that we have eternal life and a home in heaven with Jesus forever. (I John 5:13) John wanted all of us to know this well. That was his purpose in writing his first letter. He desired for all people to have the reality of eternal life, not the illusion of it. In order to be that certain, we have to consider what John was inspired to record for us.
There are several solid facts that show us we are saved from our sins, and we have received life that never ends. The first one on which John elaborated is that once we know Jesus, we will keep God's commands. Not that we will be perfect, but we will have the power of the Spirit in us to give us the desire to do God's will and the ability to accomplish it. It will be our nature to follow what He said and to be more like Jesus every day. Then, we will have the love of God for other people. That is an unselfish, unconditional love. We will love all people that way, especially the believers. This is like Jesus loved the whole world, everyone in the world. (John 3:16) Of course, if we have that love, we will love God that way, and we will not love this world. God will come first in all we do. Read it for yourself, and then, make sure you have eternal life by giving yourself that test.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II John, II John, and Jude.