Brothers and Sisters Getting Along
Christian unity and love should be the hallmark of all we do as believers. The world should always be amazed at our love for each other and at how we get along. However, that is not the case. In fact, the opposite is the case more often than not. It is a terrible scourge on any church where the members can's get along, and it is a huge black mark on all of Christianity for believers not to get along. The psalmist realized this truth, and he gave us a wonderful word picture of what it is like for Brothers and Sisters to get along. (Psalm 133:1,2) I pray we will learn well from his words and be a much better witness to our world.
It is wonderful when brothers and sisters in Christ get along. It is a beautiful thing for us to have genuine love for each other and care for each other more than we care for ourselves. It's like costly anointing oil. The oil they used for anointing priests was very expensive and rare. It smelled wonderfully. When they poured it on the person, it ran down the head and beard, flowing all the way down to the collar and onto the priestly robes. It covered them with its fragrance for all to see and smell. What did the oil represent? It was a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It was to declare that this person was covered by God's spirit or "Anointing" to do God's work. It meant that the only way the priest could do God's word was in God's power. The same is true of Christian love and unity. We can't do it with human love. It takes God's divine, AGAPE, love to bring people together, and cause them to get along well. No obstacle of personality or background can defeat the love of God for all people. Let's ask God to lavish His love on us, so we can share it with everyone around us, especially, our brothers and sisters in Christ, so the whole world will see Jesus in us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 134-136.
It is wonderful when brothers and sisters in Christ get along. It is a beautiful thing for us to have genuine love for each other and care for each other more than we care for ourselves. It's like costly anointing oil. The oil they used for anointing priests was very expensive and rare. It smelled wonderfully. When they poured it on the person, it ran down the head and beard, flowing all the way down to the collar and onto the priestly robes. It covered them with its fragrance for all to see and smell. What did the oil represent? It was a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It was to declare that this person was covered by God's spirit or "Anointing" to do God's work. It meant that the only way the priest could do God's word was in God's power. The same is true of Christian love and unity. We can't do it with human love. It takes God's divine, AGAPE, love to bring people together, and cause them to get along well. No obstacle of personality or background can defeat the love of God for all people. Let's ask God to lavish His love on us, so we can share it with everyone around us, especially, our brothers and sisters in Christ, so the whole world will see Jesus in us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 134-136.