Unity is a beautiful thing. It is very scarce in the world today. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a country that is unified behind our leader? That is what happened in Israel after the rebellion led by David's son, Absalom. When Absalom decided to campaign against his father by being a favorable judge for the people, he won over many of them by being charming and understanding. However, all along he had an ulterior motive. He was working to overthrow his father and become king. When he broke away with many supporters and David fled Jerusalem with his supporters, the stage was set for the showdown. In the ensuing battle David's men won a huge victory and Absalom was killed. It was a sad day for David, but the people realized that David had been a great king, and they were unanimous or unified completely in their call for him to be the king again. (II Samuel 19:14) Even many of the defeated soldiers from the other tribes of Israel came to support David. This was an amazing turn of events.
God loves unity among His people. In fact, He is able to bless His people even more when they follow His will, and they are unified behind His leadership or the leadership He ordains to lead them. The sad thing is that God's people are often divided for some of the same reasons Israel was divided. Sometimes there are individuals with ulterior motives who seek to collect a following, so they can be in charge. This creates a split and is very damaging. At other times, there is a difference in beliefs that comes about because one person or a group of people do not allow the Holy Spirit to teach them the truth of God's Word, so they stand in opposition to the others. This is so sad, since the Lord wants us all to be unified around His Word. I pray that we as believers would go out of our way to be in unity with other Christians, especially at this time when our country is so divided. The world needs to see our supernatural unity based on our common love for the Lord Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit in us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 20-23.
God loves unity among His people. In fact, He is able to bless His people even more when they follow His will, and they are unified behind His leadership or the leadership He ordains to lead them. The sad thing is that God's people are often divided for some of the same reasons Israel was divided. Sometimes there are individuals with ulterior motives who seek to collect a following, so they can be in charge. This creates a split and is very damaging. At other times, there is a difference in beliefs that comes about because one person or a group of people do not allow the Holy Spirit to teach them the truth of God's Word, so they stand in opposition to the others. This is so sad, since the Lord wants us all to be unified around His Word. I pray that we as believers would go out of our way to be in unity with other Christians, especially at this time when our country is so divided. The world needs to see our supernatural unity based on our common love for the Lord Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit in us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 20-23.