You Were Not Willing
Jesus is such a compassionate Savior. He is love, and that love is perfect, unconditional love for all people. He shows that love every day by the blessings He showers on all people. Yes, some people have more material blessings or physical blessings than others, but everyone is alive and has a chance to have eternal life through knowing Him. That is the greatest blessing possible. However, even with that great love and abundant blessings there are many who are not willing to come to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That was true of Jerusalem and many of the Jewish people in Jesus' day. (Matthew 23:37) Still He loved them and He gave them every opportunity to trust Him. He does the same thing today for everyone in the world, no matter who they are or what they have done.
Jesus loved Jerusalem even though they had killed the prophets and stoned those who were sent by God to tell them the truth of God and lead them to a relationship with Him. Everyone God sent, and all of the Old Testament books that were written, were a sign of His love for them. Jesus told them that He would have gathered them under His wings like a mother hen gathers her brood of chicks, but they were not willing to listen and believe. Now, we have the whole Bible. We know all of the details of the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus after 3 days, but many people still are not willing. His Spirit draws them to His strong wings, but they run away, instead of running to Him. It breaks His heart, but He does not force anyone who is unwilling to come to Him. I pray that all of us know Him and have eternal life, but if you have never turned from your sins, and trusted in Him as the Lord who died for your sins, please, do it today. He is waiting to gather you in and keep you secure forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 24-27.
Jesus loved Jerusalem even though they had killed the prophets and stoned those who were sent by God to tell them the truth of God and lead them to a relationship with Him. Everyone God sent, and all of the Old Testament books that were written, were a sign of His love for them. Jesus told them that He would have gathered them under His wings like a mother hen gathers her brood of chicks, but they were not willing to listen and believe. Now, we have the whole Bible. We know all of the details of the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus after 3 days, but many people still are not willing. His Spirit draws them to His strong wings, but they run away, instead of running to Him. It breaks His heart, but He does not force anyone who is unwilling to come to Him. I pray that all of us know Him and have eternal life, but if you have never turned from your sins, and trusted in Him as the Lord who died for your sins, please, do it today. He is waiting to gather you in and keep you secure forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 24-27.