The Finger of God
God's purpose in sending Moses to lead the exodus of the sons of Israel was more than just getting them to Canaan. He was proving to Pharaoh, who was worshiped as a god, and to the Egyptians that He was the Lord of all. That led Him to design a series of events to prove that beyond a doubt, as Pharaoh's heart was hardened by each successive plague on the land. A huge turning point came with the plague of gnats. (Exodus 8:18,19) Before that time the Egyptian magicians had been able to copy the signs of Moses and Aaron. However, when the gnats came, they knew it was the finger of God.
Some people believe that God forcefully hardened Pharaoh's heart, so he would not listen to God until the tenth plague. I do not believe that to be the case, when I look at what the Bible says. God knew Pharaoh had a hard heart at the start. Then, God gave him a choice to listen to Moses and Aaron each time, but the miracles that were copied led Pharaoh to harden his heart more. Yes, God did harden it, but by the events, not by force. Then, once the gnats and the following plagues came, his heart just got harder and harder, even though they were obviously done by the finger of God.
We have to be careful or we can get to the point where we do the same thing. God gives us choices, but we can choose to be stubborn and want our own way. We can act in pride and that pride leads us to a big fall. We can see actions that are real miracles, but we reject them. That is why we must be sure to maintain a soft heart that listens to God from the beginning, in the smallest decisions. Remember, every time we harden our hearts to the Lord, they just keep getting harder and harder, until we listen and repent. Please, don't make God have to go to the tenth plague in your life before you respond in complete obedience.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 9-11.
Some people believe that God forcefully hardened Pharaoh's heart, so he would not listen to God until the tenth plague. I do not believe that to be the case, when I look at what the Bible says. God knew Pharaoh had a hard heart at the start. Then, God gave him a choice to listen to Moses and Aaron each time, but the miracles that were copied led Pharaoh to harden his heart more. Yes, God did harden it, but by the events, not by force. Then, once the gnats and the following plagues came, his heart just got harder and harder, even though they were obviously done by the finger of God.
We have to be careful or we can get to the point where we do the same thing. God gives us choices, but we can choose to be stubborn and want our own way. We can act in pride and that pride leads us to a big fall. We can see actions that are real miracles, but we reject them. That is why we must be sure to maintain a soft heart that listens to God from the beginning, in the smallest decisions. Remember, every time we harden our hearts to the Lord, they just keep getting harder and harder, until we listen and repent. Please, don't make God have to go to the tenth plague in your life before you respond in complete obedience.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 9-11.