Listening to the Wrong Counselors
Let's face it. When we listen to the wrong counselors, it leads to destruction.(II Chronicles 22:4) King Ahaziah found out this truth the hard way. We need to learn it before destruction comes into our lives.
Who are your counselors when you need answers to questions and direction for life? Why did you choose them? There are people who seem to be very intelligent, who will lead us in the wrong way. There are people who seem to know the Bible, who will lead us in the wrong way. The only way that we can identify a wise counselor is to look at the fruit in his or her life in the area of our need. If we need marriage counseling, look for a counselor with a godly, loving marriage. If we need financial counseling, seek out a person who has put the Biblical principles into practice and has been blessed. If we look to unproven counselors, we will be led to destruction.
The same is true if we only listen to ourselves. We need objective input from wise people to see clearly how to proceed. It is very difficult for us to be objective about ourselves. As hard as it is to receive correction from others, it is always the best course of action when we have a problem. We may or may not learn from our experiences, and we may or may not have a correct view of God's Word. There is wisdom in having a group of godly counselors to help us see the way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 25-27.
Who are your counselors when you need answers to questions and direction for life? Why did you choose them? There are people who seem to be very intelligent, who will lead us in the wrong way. There are people who seem to know the Bible, who will lead us in the wrong way. The only way that we can identify a wise counselor is to look at the fruit in his or her life in the area of our need. If we need marriage counseling, look for a counselor with a godly, loving marriage. If we need financial counseling, seek out a person who has put the Biblical principles into practice and has been blessed. If we look to unproven counselors, we will be led to destruction.
The same is true if we only listen to ourselves. We need objective input from wise people to see clearly how to proceed. It is very difficult for us to be objective about ourselves. As hard as it is to receive correction from others, it is always the best course of action when we have a problem. We may or may not learn from our experiences, and we may or may not have a correct view of God's Word. There is wisdom in having a group of godly counselors to help us see the way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 25-27.