Rejecting God
When we reject God, Himself, it has serious consequences. Israel learned that when Samuel got old, and they wanted a king. (I Samuel 8:7) We need to see just how serious this can be for us, too.
Israel knew God loved them and wanted a close relationship with them. He had blessed them in many ways and sustained them in the wilderness. He had defeated their enemies, when they trusted Him. However, they used excuses to tell Samuel that they wanted a king, instead of God appointed Judges ruling over them. At first, Samuel took this personally, but God showed Him that they were really rejecting Him, not Samuel. Therefore, God told Samuel to warn them of what would happen, and give them a king. He did that, and Israel started on a downward spiral away from the Lord.
It is one thing to sin by breaking God's Word or falling short of what He requires. It another thing to reject Him personally. When we do that, God says, " OK, if that is what they want, I will give it to them"(Romans 1:18-32) He gives us the worst thing we can have, our own way. Then, we proceed to mess up our lives and to live in our corrupt minds and feelings without Him. Things get worse and worse until we die.
I beg you not to reject God. Open your heart, and go straight to Him admitting your need for Him. If you don't know Jesus, trust Him as Lord and Savior. Then, walk with Him each day, rejecting forever the temptation to go your own way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 9-11.
Israel knew God loved them and wanted a close relationship with them. He had blessed them in many ways and sustained them in the wilderness. He had defeated their enemies, when they trusted Him. However, they used excuses to tell Samuel that they wanted a king, instead of God appointed Judges ruling over them. At first, Samuel took this personally, but God showed Him that they were really rejecting Him, not Samuel. Therefore, God told Samuel to warn them of what would happen, and give them a king. He did that, and Israel started on a downward spiral away from the Lord.
It is one thing to sin by breaking God's Word or falling short of what He requires. It another thing to reject Him personally. When we do that, God says, " OK, if that is what they want, I will give it to them"(Romans 1:18-32) He gives us the worst thing we can have, our own way. Then, we proceed to mess up our lives and to live in our corrupt minds and feelings without Him. Things get worse and worse until we die.
I beg you not to reject God. Open your heart, and go straight to Him admitting your need for Him. If you don't know Jesus, trust Him as Lord and Savior. Then, walk with Him each day, rejecting forever the temptation to go your own way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 9-11.