The Atonement of Sin
Sin separates us from our relationship with Holy God, since He has nothing to do with sin. However, He loves each and every one of us, so God provided a way of atonement for our sins. Atonement means a way to make us "at one" with Him again. In the Old Testament that was accomplished for the children of Israel on the Day of Atonement each year. The High Priest carried out all that was necessary for the atonement of the sins of the people by making sacrifices, putting blood on the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies, and sending away the scapegoat.(Leviticus 16:21) All of this pointed to Jesus, our High Priest, who accomplished atonement once and for all in His death and resurrection.
Jesus died for our sins, like the goat that was killed to shed his blood for the Mercy Seat, because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Also, God took all of our sins and placed them on Jesus, like the high priest did to the scapegoat before it was led away to the wilderness. This shows how Jesus took away the sins of the world, and removed them as far as the east is from the west. He paid for the sins of mankind, and He took them away. Now, God has told us that anyone who repents of his or her sins, and trusts Christ as personal Savior and Lord, can have that atonement applied to their sins once and for all. That person becomes a child of God, because the separating sin has been removed forever, and he or she can walk with Him for eternity.
I pray that each of us has had Jesus' atonement applied to our lives. If you have not repented and trusted Him yet, I would love to help you do that today.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 17-19.
Jesus died for our sins, like the goat that was killed to shed his blood for the Mercy Seat, because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Also, God took all of our sins and placed them on Jesus, like the high priest did to the scapegoat before it was led away to the wilderness. This shows how Jesus took away the sins of the world, and removed them as far as the east is from the west. He paid for the sins of mankind, and He took them away. Now, God has told us that anyone who repents of his or her sins, and trusts Christ as personal Savior and Lord, can have that atonement applied to their sins once and for all. That person becomes a child of God, because the separating sin has been removed forever, and he or she can walk with Him for eternity.
I pray that each of us has had Jesus' atonement applied to our lives. If you have not repented and trusted Him yet, I would love to help you do that today.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 17-19.