Do Not Harden Your Hearts
The Bible clearly tells us in many places that we must not harden our hearts.(Psalm 95:8,9) If we do, there will be serious consequences. Therefore, we must understand just what the Bible is saying to us. Let's consider it this morning.
The word "heart" in the Bible is used to express not only the seat of emotions in us, but the part of us that makes decisions. Most Americans think we decide with our brains or minds, but the fact is our emotions play into our decisions, too. We need to see that the heart combines what we think about the mind and the heart into one part of us, as a person. Therefore, the heart is vital in our relationship with God, because we have a choice whether to follow Jesus as Lord or not. The heart determines that choice. Also, we have a choice to follow the Lord each and every day in every decision we make. That is why the Bible says don't harden our hearts. When we harden our hearts, we make the wrong decisions.
Pride is a central problem in human nature. We want our way. When we hear from the Lord in His Word or by the Spirit revealing God and His will to us, pride can rear up its head and lead us to say no to God. That is hardening our hearts. We know what He wants us to do, and our heart tells us to do the right thing, but instead we do what we want. When that happens, it is easier to do the wrong thing the next time. It is easier to harden our hearts again. Then, our hearts become harder and harder against the Lord. This is how people get very far from the Lord, so that they can't hardly even hear the Holy Spirit speaking anymore.
Just like God's people in the Old Testament saw Him part the waters of the Red Sea and provide manna for them to eat, we see Him work miracles in our lives. The miracle of salvation and being born again, along with many other things that are obviously God's work. When we rebel as the Israelites did, and we harden our hearts, we miss an opportunity to do God's will, and sometimes, that is the only opportunity He will give us to do that thing. He causes us serious consequences so we won't harden our hearts again, until we repent of our pride and humble ourselves to listen to Him and obey what He reveals to us. Once we do that and do it consistently, our hearts get softer and softer, so that it is easier and easier to do His will each time.
Please, don't harden your heart to the Lord. You could end up spending years in the wilderness of life, instead of entering the land of milk and honey God has provided for you.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 96-98
The word "heart" in the Bible is used to express not only the seat of emotions in us, but the part of us that makes decisions. Most Americans think we decide with our brains or minds, but the fact is our emotions play into our decisions, too. We need to see that the heart combines what we think about the mind and the heart into one part of us, as a person. Therefore, the heart is vital in our relationship with God, because we have a choice whether to follow Jesus as Lord or not. The heart determines that choice. Also, we have a choice to follow the Lord each and every day in every decision we make. That is why the Bible says don't harden our hearts. When we harden our hearts, we make the wrong decisions.
Pride is a central problem in human nature. We want our way. When we hear from the Lord in His Word or by the Spirit revealing God and His will to us, pride can rear up its head and lead us to say no to God. That is hardening our hearts. We know what He wants us to do, and our heart tells us to do the right thing, but instead we do what we want. When that happens, it is easier to do the wrong thing the next time. It is easier to harden our hearts again. Then, our hearts become harder and harder against the Lord. This is how people get very far from the Lord, so that they can't hardly even hear the Holy Spirit speaking anymore.
Just like God's people in the Old Testament saw Him part the waters of the Red Sea and provide manna for them to eat, we see Him work miracles in our lives. The miracle of salvation and being born again, along with many other things that are obviously God's work. When we rebel as the Israelites did, and we harden our hearts, we miss an opportunity to do God's will, and sometimes, that is the only opportunity He will give us to do that thing. He causes us serious consequences so we won't harden our hearts again, until we repent of our pride and humble ourselves to listen to Him and obey what He reveals to us. Once we do that and do it consistently, our hearts get softer and softer, so that it is easier and easier to do His will each time.
Please, don't harden your heart to the Lord. You could end up spending years in the wilderness of life, instead of entering the land of milk and honey God has provided for you.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 96-98