
The Bible has a lot to say about pride and it isn't good. Pride is the cause of all kinds of sins. Some are more subtle than others. However, all are very serious. Any time we sin, we are deciding to go away from God and His will.

King Uzziah brought on his own destruction, because his "heart was lifted up." (II Chronicles 26:16) He became strong because God blessed him. It doesn't matter how the pride gets there, it still brings destruction. In his pride King Uzziah broke God's rules, and took upon himself the role of the priest to offer incense in the temple of the Lord. Why would he break God's obvious laws? He felt that his strength and the blessings of God made him above the laws, so he could do whatever he pleased. However, the truth is that God is no respecter of persons, and whoever breaks His laws is punished.

The same is true for us today. It doesn't matter how much good we have done for God, we must not allow pride to lift up our hearts to our destruction. We must become even more humble and let God exalt us in His way.

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 28-30.

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