Our Thanksgiving Miracle
The first Thanksgiving that Chris and I were married we took a trip from Waco, Texas to Memphis Tennessee. My Dad's side of the family always had a reunion at Thanksgiving because it came close to my grandmother's birthday. I really enjoyed those times, and I wanted to take Chris for the celebration. However, we had a lot of obstacles to overcome.
The starter on my 1963 Studebaker went out two days before we were to leave town. I consulted with friends and checked the junk yards, because I did not have time to order a rebuilt one. We found one at a junk yard, but it would not fit, because it was a different model that was too long to fit in the space. Therefore, I took it back to the man at the junk yard. He was not happy, but he returned my money. As we were talking, he took my old starter and put it on a very powerful battery. It turned over, but even he said it was dragging badly. I went home dejected.
I went in and laid on the bed. I was pretty tired and very sad that we could not make the trip. All of a sudden I had a thought. I believe it was from the Lord. I remembered that the started had worked when the man put it to that big battery pack, so I told Chris to get ready. I said that I was going outside to put the starter in, and if it started, we were going to go to Memphis without cutting the car off. I admit that was stupid and impulsive, but I have a tendency to be that way at times. When I got in the car, it started, so we loaded up and left.
We stopped for gas in Little Rock, Arkansas, but I did not turn off the ignition like I was supposed to. We made it to my aunt's house after driving all night. When we pulled into the driveway, the engine died, and it would not start again. However, God knew what was going to happen. My uncle's friend rebuilt starters for a side job. He rebuilt the starter as good as new for $12. I had paid the junk yard $35 for a used one. God is so good.
We got to enjoy the reunion and the meal with our family after all. It was partly because I was foolish enough to take the risk, believing God wanted us to go. Sure enough, He worked it out. In my book it was a Thanksgiving miracle. God is in the miracle business. We all need to trust Him enough to take risks, so we can see His power displayed in our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 7-9.
The starter on my 1963 Studebaker went out two days before we were to leave town. I consulted with friends and checked the junk yards, because I did not have time to order a rebuilt one. We found one at a junk yard, but it would not fit, because it was a different model that was too long to fit in the space. Therefore, I took it back to the man at the junk yard. He was not happy, but he returned my money. As we were talking, he took my old starter and put it on a very powerful battery. It turned over, but even he said it was dragging badly. I went home dejected.
I went in and laid on the bed. I was pretty tired and very sad that we could not make the trip. All of a sudden I had a thought. I believe it was from the Lord. I remembered that the started had worked when the man put it to that big battery pack, so I told Chris to get ready. I said that I was going outside to put the starter in, and if it started, we were going to go to Memphis without cutting the car off. I admit that was stupid and impulsive, but I have a tendency to be that way at times. When I got in the car, it started, so we loaded up and left.
We stopped for gas in Little Rock, Arkansas, but I did not turn off the ignition like I was supposed to. We made it to my aunt's house after driving all night. When we pulled into the driveway, the engine died, and it would not start again. However, God knew what was going to happen. My uncle's friend rebuilt starters for a side job. He rebuilt the starter as good as new for $12. I had paid the junk yard $35 for a used one. God is so good.
We got to enjoy the reunion and the meal with our family after all. It was partly because I was foolish enough to take the risk, believing God wanted us to go. Sure enough, He worked it out. In my book it was a Thanksgiving miracle. God is in the miracle business. We all need to trust Him enough to take risks, so we can see His power displayed in our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 7-9.