Jesus and the Word of God
When I was a freshman at Baylor, I wrote a research paper on what the Bible says about homosexuality. I went to the library to collect my sources and to make my note cards. I was very surprised by what I found. Many of the books said that there was nothing in the Bible against homosexuality. Now, I was just a freshman, and I wasn't very smart, but I had read the Bible enough to know several passages that were clearly against the practice of homosexuality. God loves homosexuals, but He hates all sins, and homosexuality is one of those sins according to the Bible.
How did those books justify their stance. They said that the Bible was against illicit sexual acts, but He was not against two people of the same sex in a committed relationship. Also, they said that since Jesus did not denounce homosexuality, it must not be a sin. That is a very interesting line of thinking. If we take that view, anything Jesus did not mention or come out against is not a sin. That covers a lot of territory. I have found this to be a tactic used by people who want to disagree with things the Bible says in other places.
I believe we must be very careful with this line of reasoning and way of interpreting the Bible. When God speaks in the Old Testament, and when the Holy Spirit, who is God, inspired other passages in the Bible, we must not conclude that God contradicts Himself. Also, we must take the clear passages of the Bible to interpret any passages that are not so clear. When we do this, we are submitting to God's revelation in His Word, instead of becoming judges of the Word of God, which the Bible cautions us against.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 9-12.
How did those books justify their stance. They said that the Bible was against illicit sexual acts, but He was not against two people of the same sex in a committed relationship. Also, they said that since Jesus did not denounce homosexuality, it must not be a sin. That is a very interesting line of thinking. If we take that view, anything Jesus did not mention or come out against is not a sin. That covers a lot of territory. I have found this to be a tactic used by people who want to disagree with things the Bible says in other places.
I believe we must be very careful with this line of reasoning and way of interpreting the Bible. When God speaks in the Old Testament, and when the Holy Spirit, who is God, inspired other passages in the Bible, we must not conclude that God contradicts Himself. Also, we must take the clear passages of the Bible to interpret any passages that are not so clear. When we do this, we are submitting to God's revelation in His Word, instead of becoming judges of the Word of God, which the Bible cautions us against.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 9-12.