Overcoming The Spiritual Blindness
As we went through security at the airport in Atlanta, I saw a man who was blind. He looked totally normal in every way, except one. He had one of the long sticks, and he was holding it on the suitcase of the lady in front of him, who was probably his wife. He could not see the reality around him, so he was dependent on others to show him that reality. When I read my devotional this morning, the Lord brought that sight back to me, because it was a picture of II Corinthians 4:4. The Bible assures us that the god of this world has "blinded the minds" of the people, who do not know Christ. Therefore, they cannot see the realities of the world around them.
How can we be the lady in front to lead them to see the reality and even to help them overcome their blindness? We have to live a righteous life, so we lead them in the right way, and we need to show them that their blindness comes from Satan, who has led them in various ways to reject Christ and to follow the ways of this world. We who see the Light of Christ have to personally gain their trust and share the Truth. If they will trust Christ as Lord, the Light will shine into their lives, and they will no longer be blind.
Therefore, I was overwhelmed by our part in the process. If we do not engage them, they will go on in their blindness. We can't leave them alone or say that it is only God's place to lead them. He has given us the mission to relate to people and to guide them to the Light.
Today, I read Ecclesiastes 5-8.
How can we be the lady in front to lead them to see the reality and even to help them overcome their blindness? We have to live a righteous life, so we lead them in the right way, and we need to show them that their blindness comes from Satan, who has led them in various ways to reject Christ and to follow the ways of this world. We who see the Light of Christ have to personally gain their trust and share the Truth. If they will trust Christ as Lord, the Light will shine into their lives, and they will no longer be blind.
Therefore, I was overwhelmed by our part in the process. If we do not engage them, they will go on in their blindness. We can't leave them alone or say that it is only God's place to lead them. He has given us the mission to relate to people and to guide them to the Light.
Today, I read Ecclesiastes 5-8.