Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone
Our choir presented the Easter musical this morning. It was the best I have ever heard our choir. The message of the musical came through loud and clear. At the end we had one family join our church and another told me of a very important decision. All of this because of the message of the musical, Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone.
What about you, do you have chains that are holding you back? They may be chains of addiction, or bitterness, or selfishness. All of that bondage can be removed by the grace of Jesus Christ. He is powerful to forgive our sins and to break the chains of sin that have bound us for so long. However, you have to turn to Him as your own Lord and Savior.
Each of us have to realize that our own way never works out. His way is the only path to true freedom. Our way leads into more chains. As I heard an evangelist say a long time ago, "Stop trying to do it your way, and start trusting His way." That will be the most important decision you will ever make.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 15-17.
What about you, do you have chains that are holding you back? They may be chains of addiction, or bitterness, or selfishness. All of that bondage can be removed by the grace of Jesus Christ. He is powerful to forgive our sins and to break the chains of sin that have bound us for so long. However, you have to turn to Him as your own Lord and Savior.
Each of us have to realize that our own way never works out. His way is the only path to true freedom. Our way leads into more chains. As I heard an evangelist say a long time ago, "Stop trying to do it your way, and start trusting His way." That will be the most important decision you will ever make.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 15-17.