
Many people have a problem forgiving other people. This is especially true when the other person has hurt us or someone we love. There is an anger that wells up inside of us, and we feel the need for them to repay us in some way. If there is no way for them to repay us, we feel that they need to suffer in some way for their actions. That is why some people lash out with their tongues or even physical violence toward the other person. It seems right to our flesh to exact a payment.

Forgiveness is a divine attribute. It is hard for us, as humans, but it is possible with God's help. When we allow God to give us His grace to forgive someone, we bring the situation to an end, and we begin to love them once again with a real love. I like to use the analogy of forgiving a huge debt. Say someone owes you, $1,000,000. Then, you decide to free them from this debt. You tell them that there is no need for them to pay you anything. You release the loan and the stress of waiting to be paid back. We must do the same thing with the hurts of life. We must release the other person from having to apologize or to be punished. We just let it go by God's grace. After all, the Bible tells us that we are to forgive others as Christ has forgiven us. He forgives completely and once and for all. We should do the same.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 1-3.

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