Not Ashamed of the Gospel
This year I am using one verse from the Bible for each of our chapel services for our academy. I have asked the ladies to laminate the verses for the middle school students, so they can collect all of them and spend time meditating on them. Romans 1:16 was our verse for today. It has a wonderful message for all of us. We must not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, because it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Gentiles.
There are a lot of people who think the Gospel is crazy. They think it is almost laughable that God would come down to earth and become a man, so He could die for us. However, that is God's message to us. That is the Good News! Instead of being crazy, it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. In other words, without coming to believe in the Gospel there is no possibility of salvation for anyone. Once a person believes in Jesus being the God who came down to become a man and die for us as the Perfect God/Man, the power of God is unleashed in his life to forgive his sins and give him eternal life.
Now, can you see why it is so important that we are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ? If we are ashamed, and we do not share it, people can never come to salvation. We must overcome any shame put on us by other people or Satan, and we must confidently proclaim what Jesus has done for us, so we can be saved from our sins and enter a relationship with Him. Therefore, I asked the students to do something that I am going to ask you to do, too. Make it a point to tell someone about Jesus this week. You don't have to share the entire gospel message, but just don't be ashamed to tell others about your Lord and your best Friend. Then, you will begin to overcome the shame where you can share the Good News with those you know. That is what God wants us to do as His children.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 15-18.
There are a lot of people who think the Gospel is crazy. They think it is almost laughable that God would come down to earth and become a man, so He could die for us. However, that is God's message to us. That is the Good News! Instead of being crazy, it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. In other words, without coming to believe in the Gospel there is no possibility of salvation for anyone. Once a person believes in Jesus being the God who came down to become a man and die for us as the Perfect God/Man, the power of God is unleashed in his life to forgive his sins and give him eternal life.
Now, can you see why it is so important that we are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ? If we are ashamed, and we do not share it, people can never come to salvation. We must overcome any shame put on us by other people or Satan, and we must confidently proclaim what Jesus has done for us, so we can be saved from our sins and enter a relationship with Him. Therefore, I asked the students to do something that I am going to ask you to do, too. Make it a point to tell someone about Jesus this week. You don't have to share the entire gospel message, but just don't be ashamed to tell others about your Lord and your best Friend. Then, you will begin to overcome the shame where you can share the Good News with those you know. That is what God wants us to do as His children.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 15-18.